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GECK HELP - How do I load my project properly?


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Hey there,


So, I recently got finished with the first part of the GECK tutorial and decided to take a break before I moved onto to step two. Now when I go back to load up my project (Vault 74) there is absolutely nothing inside of the render window.


Could someone please clarify why this is and how to get my information in the render window back?





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Look at your Cell View window and when you click Vault74a EditorID do you see all your Objects on the right side that are supposed to be in your cell? If you see them then double-click on an Object to go to that Object in the Render Window. If you just double-click on the Vault74a EditorID itself you will mroe times than not be taken to a blank area of the Cell. I can't explain why exactly, but I can tell you it happens.

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