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Armour Upgrades


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Ok, so I'm no good at modding, and am not the type that could understand how to make mods, so I just want to make a request.


Basically, the idea I have in mind would be an upgrade for alot of the armour and head-gear that is in the game. Mainly the armour and head-gear that doesn't give any benefits except for a small amount of durability. I'd want armour that added small bonuses, as I am starting to get bored of the Armoured Vault 101 Jumpsuit.


For example:

Metal Armour: +5 Big Weapons.

Raider Blastmaster Armour: +5 Explosives.

Raider Arclight Helmet: 5% Damage Resist.



Those are just some examples. But in addition to adding benefits to some of this armour, also an upgrade of existing ones to balance them out would be nice too. I quite like the look of the various Merc armour, but the lack of bonuses (+2 Small Weapons, +2 Melee Weapons) kinda throws me off them.


If someone could do this, I think it'd be a great addition to the game, in a way of balancing out some of the armour, and not leaving them so useless.


Thank you in advance (and for taking the time to read my request).


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