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Using TES


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Hi, I am rather new to modding and I've only made one so far and kept it all real simple. Yet I'd like to try something a bit more elaborate. However, before I can, I feel I need to know a few things.


1) Is there a way to save an esp. in TES and return to working some more on it later?


So far I've only been able to make small tweaks as I've not been able to save a projects as I go along.


2) Is there a way to include elements from moods already out there in one singular project rather than being forced to use that mod's esp. as a source file through the GECKO?


For instance if you'd like to bunch a few of your clothing mods into one singular esp. and place it somewhere handy could you do that? It seems to me that would be far more handy than having a ton of esps checked in your OBMM and of course there would be fewer chests scattered all through out the Imperial City. (And yes I know there are mods like the goddess store out there, but there is always something new and cool being made and it would be real handy to have this in a chest near your dwelling and not in all possible (and impossible) places through out the game.

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I presume that by "TES" you mean TES CS rather than TES Gecko, TES4Edit, TES4Files, TES3, TES4, or some other program.


Saving esp files in TES CS (The construction set) is absolutely essential to modding. That is one of the first skills you will need to learn. If you have Vista, you will have to use special procedures to set things up so you can save .esp files. Otherwise saving is a simple matter. Click on the floppy disk icon or go to File>Save in the pull-down menu.


To make a new variation on an existing mod, copy and rename it in File Manager, and then open up your new copy in the construction set and change that. This way, you can keep the original version untouched.


Once you have saved an .esp successfully, you can come back and make changes whenever you want.


There are a variety of ways to merge mods. So it would be possible for you to collect all your custom clothes into one mod, and you would then be able to remove all those old mods. A basic way to do it is by using the CS, although there are other utility programs available. In the CS, you open up all the mods you are merging, and have one mod open as the active file to save all your work to. Rename with new form IDs all the items that you want to include in your new mod. Then place them in a container or an actor's inventory or place them loose in the world. When you save the mod, all this will be there in it. But be careful, because the CS becomes unstable and crashes if you open up a lot of mods at once. Save often.


I am afraid you will have to merge mods every time someone releases a cool new clothing item. You might just choose to do it once in awhile with things you really really like.

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I presume that by "TES" you mean TES CS rather than TES Gecko, TES4Edit, TES4Files, TES3, TES4, or some other program.


You are quite right in your assumption. I do mean the Construction set. I should have been clearer on that.


Saving esp files in TES CS (The construction set) is absolutely essential to modding. That is one of the first skills you will need to learn. If you have Vista, you will have to use special procedures to set things up so you can save .esp files.


Ah, I see, maybe this is my problem then. For I am using Vista and whenever I return to a mod, open it and try to fiddle with it, it will not allow me to overwrite/save my changes to that mod. Is there some tutorial available to fix this issue? I guess I'll google it, but any input will be valued as well.


There are a variety of ways to merge mods. So it would be possible for you to collect all your custom clothes into one mod, and you would then be able to remove all those old mods. A basic way to do it is by using the CS, although there are other utility programs available.


Any advice on programs that might be just as handy for this task?

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Here is an information page on making the CS work with Vista. Solution #1 is the best. It is what I use. But if you use it, be sure to reinstall Oblivion rather than picking it up and moving it to another directory. I did that once, and it eventually made it so I lost some of my icons, TES4Edit wouldn't work, and while trying to fix the problem, I lost Oblivion and all my installed mods and had to reinstall anyway.


Link: Vista UAC Problems


The type of mods I have worked on have not required much merging. I am not very knowledgeable about it. I have done all of mine in the CS. (Usually cutting and pasting portions of mods rather than wanting to save the whole thing in the new mod.) TES4 Gecko doesn't work for me when I try to merge mods. I hear people talk about Wrye Bash a lot.

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Actually, it turns out that just by being pointed out that I need an active mod and to use the floppy disc icon I've done a quantum leap and actually made the merge mod already. It was quite easy when I applied the basic knowledge you gave me, namely to give the item new IDs.


The fun thing is that I had already made esm. files of some of the mods and I used these in the mod. This, as it turns out, made the world textures, such as for instance the ground, disappear and my character would fall and fall until it stopped in a sea of water looking up at the imperial city floating about above. Of course this made the mod less than attractive to use. At first I could not understood why it happened. I tried playing with the load order, but that did not work. So then I got the ingenious idea to use the GECKO and change the masters to those esms equivalents in esps and voila! It worked!


So anyway, thanks man! You've helped me break through some walls here. Now I might be able to make something a bit more worth while in the future! :)

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