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Fo3 Mark two Official Thread


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This is the official thread for my mod FO3 MK2.


It is an overhaul mod that alters old content and adds new content in a dynamic, game-friendly, fun, consistent, balanced, and mostly bug-free way.

It also rebalanced old content to our standards. Think of it as a alternative version of FOOK.


I WILL say that this mod is not oriented to realism or fairness as much as fun and immersion, with all due respect to the die-hard realism fanatics.


We are still looking for more modders. Be you a scripter, voice actor, modeler, or just all-around GECK handyman, we could use your help.


First planned release of the resources--meshes, textures, ETC--is five days, with a consistent flow of updates following. The main file will be split into two files, 650 and 516 megabytes respectively. It's being uploaded to filefront.


However, all subsequent updates will be uploaded to nexus, as well as the primary .Esp and .Esm files. If we can find someone with a good enough internet connection and the proper accounts, we will also upload to fileplanet, mediafire, Etc.


The first planned release of the plugins is between two weeks and two months down the road. I can promise that the beta will be public by august seventh, though it will be by no means be finished. We will be continuing development past new vegas and possibly even beyond fallout 4, though we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

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Yes explination is needed, what is it you're looking to do exactly?

Your mod says it needs FOOK2 and that is already a fairly heavy overhaul of FO3


I'd say approach it from a "point look out" point of view, design up a new area with stories, missions and things to do. Link it to the main game in a way that makes some sense, not just enter a door to go to this new area, give the player a reason to visit this new location.

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Not undecided. Simply trying to figure out which part to do first.


In example, we will probably have a plugin that enables realism. Normally that would be near the bottom of our to-do list, but if the majority of the people who vote say they want realism, we shall put it on a higher place on our to-do list.

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Essentials first, then non-essentials.


Balance, fairness, fun, performance, etc are essential.



New weapons, armors, quests, npcs, dialogue, voiceacting, locations, consumables, creatures, and everything else is non-essential.



Yes, redoing balance after adding new weapons/armor would be required, but the addition of the armor/weapons themselves is not needed.


If you can't make the game more fun and/or interesting without adding a bunch of new weapons, armor, quests, and everything else that I've mentioned as non-essential... then your overhaul probably isn't going to be very successful.


Make the game fun without the fluff, and the fluff makes it even better. Otherwise, fluff is just fluff and feels like fluff.

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I'd agree with Khet here except on one "sort of half" point, namely I wouldn't put quests and dialogue in the non-essential catagory.

I say "sort of half point" because adding new quests and base random npc dialogue I would put in non-essential, but reworking the main quests are more storyline and important.

Although I'm not really sure what should be done with it, if you look back on the original fallout games there is very little in the way of main story line quests.

Plot is an important part of a game, even if it's well ballanced, a bad plot will leave you bored.


Fallout 1 = get a water chip - find out about the super mutants - stop the production of super mutants - kill the master.

Everything else is basically non-essential and filler, you could finish the game only doing thoes 4 quests and totally ignoring everything else, although unless you already knew where every thing else was it would involve a lot of random wandering to find stuff and would be very hard.


FO3 has a more guided story and a lot of side missions that basically don't have anything to do with the main story, however it's a very different game.

The world map is that much bigger, I'd say about 10 times bigger and very much endless tracts of empty waste, you would travel for days without encountering anything and when you finally did it would just be a group of enemies.


One thing I would like to see, and if there is a mod for this I've not seen it yet, is to redo the ending sequence, add in endings for all the towns and such, like in the original fallout, with different outcomes depending on what you did.

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For me, the most important thing to add would be quests. Some people like to play through games like Fo3 twice, or more. Once with a bad character, and once with a good character. I prefer playing through it once, and on the good side (except Blowing up Megatown; that sounded so cool, I just had to make a seperate save were I tried that out).


Either way, I've done most of the stuff that good character's in Fo3 can do, and now I want more. There's more than enough realism overhauls, there's more than enough armour addition's, but there's not even close to enough quest addition's in my opinion. I'd love to see you make a lot (and I mean a lot) of small quests, each taking about 2-4 hours; put them all in one package that is well intergrated into Fo3.

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See? That's why I put up this thread. We weren't going to feature much in the way of quests. Now, of course, we will try that. Are there any specific idea you had?


pob25,I'm not sure what I can do. We were planning on adding more options to the main quest-- for example, in the project purity control room, you have the option to pass a science check and re-activate a robot to go down there and do all the fuse stuff for you. Then you can be there when the enclave overwhelms the room and all the rest of that.


Not sure what we could do with the endings. That would require major scripting, new .bik files, and a whole slew of other stuff. Maybe if we get some really good modders with nothing to do, but I wouldn't count on it.


And khet, exactly. We're editing and improving all the old stuff before we add anything new.

Well, actually, we have added two new items, but those were just for fun/testing purposes.


I'm glad to see all the feedback.

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