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Fo3 Mark two Official Thread


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So, here's how it should work. Near rivet city, a large--but mostly submerged--sub washes up onto shore. In one of the first rooms you come to, there is a large number of skeletons and some diaries/logs. These explain how they escaped rapture by jettisoning an upper storeroom. Throughout the course of the logs, it is found that a big sister had snuck on board and was slowly killing off everyone else. It is also revealed that she had sabotaged one of the engines, accounting for the time lag between 1990-2267.


After the player has found all these, he/she is given several options. First, if they have their Brahman/yao gui/other means of transporting cargo, they can take the plasmids back to Moira, seagrave, smiling jack, dusty, or any other local merchants. If they do this, plasmids will slowly appear amongst the local population over the course of a week, then over the course of another 4-8 weeks they will appear in the population of other cities. After another two weeks they will work their way into leveled lists for Slavers and Raiders. Then outcast patrols, followed by enclave and BOS. In the case of the Enclave, BOS, Outcast, or Raiders, it will trigger a new kind of enemy. You also have the option to take it to uncle roe, where it will appear among all populations and factions evenly over the course of a month.


If you DON'T have a means of transporting large quantities of cargo, you can take a sample to either Doctor Li, Elder Lyons, Casdin, Naomi, Seven-fingers, or Eulogy. Then will then synthesize it, causing it to appear throughout the faction within a week. It will not spread to another faction, however, for at least six months. You can take samples to multiple factions.


You can also, of course, just hoard them for yourself. But once you have them in your inventory you can give them as a sample at any point, until you lose them.


There's another option where you blow up the first part of the sub, causing it to sink back into the sea and flood, destroying it's contents. You gain karma and a perk, but lose plasmids.


Companions should be able to use them.


Mutants or ghouls cannot use them yet, though that might change.

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Three word idea:

Wasteland Special Operations.


You want to make an overhaul that isn't old, and gives everyone that fresh spark of love? Make a new world location that you travel to, outside of the wasteland - it could even be a simulator quest. (Personally I think the simulator is the best answer here)


It allows you to break up a story in a non-linear fashion. One moment you could be in the civil war, and by bright white "birth sequence" fade, suddenly you're flash-banging your way into a hostage situation as an Navy SEAL (who happens to also have VATS) -- Speaking of which, I haven't seen a mod yet that really takes advantage of the underwater. Slap an MK-VI "re-breather" on a scuba suit with a few similar NPCs and give them some guns, call them SEALs... set up a few demolition objectives underwater and throw some Milurks in for kicks, or underwater raiders (ocean pirates!) with harpoon guns. See where I'm going? The possibilities are endless. There's a lot of assets from the Anchorage cliff side missions that could help out already.


I haven't seen any hostage situations, either.


If someone were to make a simulation mod that added new adventures into the game, especially if maybe it involved some more back-story, pre nukes... you'd win gold.. or at least a lot of virtual bottle caps.


besides all that, there's a huge playerbase of people who like realism but also are trying to achieve realism for the military/tactical aspects.

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Three word idea:

Wasteland Special Operations.


You want to make an overhaul that isn't old, and gives everyone that fresh spark of love? Make a new world location that you travel to, outside of the wasteland - it could even be a simulator quest. (Personally I think the simulator is the best answer here)


It allows you to break up a story in a non-linear fashion. One moment you could be in the civil war, and by bright white "birth sequence" fade, suddenly you're flash-banging your way into a hostage situation as an Navy SEAL (who happens to also have VATS) -- Speaking of which, I haven't seen a mod yet that really takes advantage of the underwater. Slap an MK-VI "re-breather" on a scuba suit with a few similar NPCs and give them some guns, call them SEALs... set up a few demolition objectives underwater and throw some Milurks in for kicks, or underwater raiders (ocean pirates!) with harpoon guns. See where I'm going? The possibilities are endless. There's a lot of assets from the Anchorage cliff side missions that could help out already.


I haven't seen any hostage situations, either.


If someone were to make a simulation mod that added new adventures into the game, especially if maybe it involved some more back-story, pre nukes... you'd win gold.. or at least a lot of virtual bottle caps.


besides all that, there's a huge playerbase of people who like realism but also are trying to achieve realism for the military/tactical aspects.


Just a few ideas that came to mind:


Add a few new weapons, I had an idea of a weapon that would look like an alien laser but would instead shoot out a concentrated blast of radiation, sounds interesting.

Add a HUGE SuperDuper Mart-like place, I always loved that quest when I got to it, and I know others would love it too.

Boss fights sound fun, I love adding mods that put bosses into the game, they always provide a fun expierence.

I would buff up the Super Mutants, in the Vanilla game they are far to weak, it is surprising that the BoS has trouble containing them.

Along the lines of Aesthetics I was wondering if you could implement the lunar Phases into the game, would be interesting.

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Lunar phases?

For the muties, I was thinking along the lines of organic power armor.

As for boss fights, there will be a lot. For example, in vault 87 there's a mutant wearing T-51b armor.

Sure, I can add in more market-like places. Easy.

Radioactive land mines.

And I'm running through simulation ideas. Cold war, civil war, the Great War, Hazard Course....it's all good.

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Lunar phases?

For the muties, I was thinking along the lines of organic power armor.

As for boss fights, there will be a lot. For example, in vault 87 there's a mutant wearing T-51b armor.

Sure, I can add in more market-like places. Easy.

Radioactive land mines.

And I'm running through simulation ideas. Cold war, civil war, the Great War, Hazard Course....it's all good.


The lunar phases, Add a Moon to the night Sky (and a feint outline during the day) and have it go through the various phases that the real moon goes through (Waxing Crescent, Full, Blood, etc...)

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If they do this, plasmids will slowly appear amongst the local population over the course of a week, then over the course of another 4-8 weeks they will appear in the population of other cities. After another two weeks they will work their way into leveled lists for Slavers and Raiders. Then outcast patrols, followed by enclave and BOS.


very lengthy, don't you think? takes up to 11+ weeks for it to fully spread. You can beat the whole main quest in like what, a week tops even if using vanilla timescale? And if you use a more reasonable timescale, like 5:1, you could do every single quest in the game probably within a month, easily, even with a difficulty increaser mod.


As for boss fights, there will be a lot.


thank you, that is something I really miss in fallout3

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Alright, here goes. More in-depth about some of the features. These are the things we're hoping to have within, say, two months.


Fallout 3 MK2 features:




Combine and customize weapons in entirely new ways!* Using the all new, patented fusing cell, you can slap together almost anything so long as you have the know-how!**

Looking to kill some bots? Slap on a tesla coil, fusion battery, and a pulse grenade and PRESTO! Your gun now fire electrically devastating EMP rounds!

Not enough firepower? Grab an auto-sledge and some scrap metal to DOUBLE your rate of fire!

Need to hit multiple targets? Slap on a fragmenting motor to blow up your rounds in the barrel and send the shards at your enemies!

Need more accuracy? Add on a magnetizing rail, sending your bullets with pin-point accuracy at the speed of light!

And more, like white-hot impacts, or armor-piercing rounds! The choice is yours!


Also with schematics, you can now combine your favorite weapons! Gatling shotguns, Refracting lasers, dual-barrel sniper rifles, and MORE!


Includes weapons from fallout, Fallout: 2, and fallout: tactics.


New FULLY customizable harpoon cannon.


Gravity mines: Lay a mine. Watch enemy walk over it. Watch enemy's skeleton collapse and his muscles burst. Watch the remains compress into a pile of brown sludge. Watch the sludge compress into nothing. Repeat.


New weapons system. You must now change weapons in order to defeat certain enemies. For example, an M16 will bounce off the ceramic plating of the Power armor MK3, but the Wattz 3000 will bypass the shielding entirely.



Armor can now be upgraded! Power armor too slow? Attach more fission batteries to the servomotors! Need that extra edge? Pry a ceramic plate from a sentry bot and weld it onto your T-51b! Give yourself advanced perception by upgrading your helmets hard drive!***


All those missing version. The X-41c, M-92r, etc.


Enclave now uses mark two-mark seven, AND T-51bs!


Brotherhood uses mark one(T-45d) through mark 7, though each version is rarer than the last.


Specialized variants of power armor, such as the A-38 close-quarters assault armor.


Pip-boy upgrades! Currently features an AI system, but more expected soon.


More generic armors, including everything from tattered trench coats to the advanced urban combat armor.



Customize YOURSELF! With the re-integrated and improved trait system, you can add up to ten defining characteristics! Play as a paranoid schizophrenic, charismatic merchant, and everything in-between!


Splice up! You can now modify your genetic code, solidifying your bone structure, generating electricity, and more!


Lots and lots of new perks.




Not telling.




Go beyond broken steel! Defeat the enclave airship, protect the secrets of the commonwealth,and MORE! All with fully logical steps as well as multiple paths and conclusions!


If you want something right, you have to do it yourself. Now you can retrieve and install the GECK your own self, everyone else be damned.


Firelance now has a quest.




Now adaptive! Judging by your perks, traits, skills, and stats, the game will adjust itself to YOUR playing style! (IE, high strength increases endurance, dialogue is heavily altered by stats and such, you auto-acquire perks, Etc.)


Now more difficult! Hundreds of ghouls not enough? Invert the adaptive system, making the game work against you at every turn! (IE, the lower your health, the more damage you get, the less you give.)


Get a rush with bullet-time! Or wire your reflexes and move at normal speed while everyone else is slowed down!


There's obviously much, much, more, but I have to cut-off at some point, and it's near midnight. Hopefully this will start people asking questions.


Remember, I can;t do this all myself. Please help.





*Not available for all weapons. Requires the correct blueprints. Only one modification at a time. Ages 12 and up.

**Modifications cannot be removed.

***Armor upgrades are available only in limited quantities.

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