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Mod help


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Ok, so it's been months since I modded my Dragon Age game. I don't remember the name of the mods I used, but here's a list of them from my Addins folder:



I know some where in there, I DL'd a mod that got rid of the silly looking under wear... but since then... I've noticed a few changes. Wynne and Soris have new looks, and I can't figure out if it's because of the Leliana/Morrigan mod or the sans undies mod.


Soris used to look like


I liked this look. I don't like the new one...


Is there a way to change him back?


Sorry that all this is VERY vague... but I can't figure out how to uninstall all the mods since an uninstall of the game doesn't get rid of all these folders.

: /

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I recognize most of those mods, but of those ones none of them are ones that would change Soris' look.


I do have an idea you can try though. It's possible that somewhere you have downloaded a MOR file (these are the files that determine facial appearance).


If you knew the code of Soris' MOR file you could do a simple search for it on your computer to see where it is and delete it. I don't know what his exact file would be called by since he's a male elf it would start:




Try typing that into the search bar of your start menu (you may have to select "search everywhere" if the resulting list is too long, since it will show you every file that starts with that code). Lood for a file with the .mor extension (it may even have soris' name in it too) and chances are that's your culprit.

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