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Wrye Bash


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Hi everybody ;]

I have been using wrye for the last couple of months now, and never experienced any problems with it untill yesterday. When I try to open wrye my pointer get a little circle (vista) telling me that my pc is doing something, then the circle goed away and wrye doesn't open. After 3 hours it still hadn't opened. I didn;t install any new mods lately, so that can't be the problem. Also, and I have no idea if this is related, one of my .bsa (one from a mod) had dissapeared from my data folder somehow. I would like to try and re-install wrye, but have no idea on how to do that. Any help will be appreciated ;D

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Have you checked your computer for malware recently?

Wrye requires a certain older version of Python to work. Installing a newer version for some other program - such as Gimp, will overwrite the version needed by Wrye Bash.

Here is the link to download Wrye Bash. the instructions are included in the readme.


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