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Shivering Isle


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So i've noticed lots of mods thousands of mods for Oblivion vanilla, but are there any good mods for The Shivering Isles. Like a Better Cities, Homes, the ability to break the laws once you get Lord Sherogath Title, etc.

It would be awesome if anyone knows of some good ones to share with me. Shivering Isles is by far my favorite zone in Oblivion. Demented and Maniacally pleasurable. :teehee:

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There's also some other topics:

like here's one and another topic is linked to inside of it.


If you want something to allow you to spend more time the Shivering Isles there's always Integration. It adds a joinable guild and many separate quests to the isles. (as well as 2 or 3 plater homes)


Wrye shivering does a good job of making you more god like when Sheogorath.


Sadly there's no real renovation or unique landscapes type stuff for SI.

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