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AMD X4 965 with AM2+

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I read somewhere on the internet that its the AM3 CPU is compatible with AM2+ mobos. IS there any potential drawback?



Yes, they are backwards compatible, but I do not recommend it. Why? Because if you did put an AM3 processor on an AM2+ board, 1, you will be stuck with DDR2 memory instead of DDR3, 2 it might not boot simply because some manufactures haven't updated their BIOS's for the AM3 chips, and 3 you won't be using the full power of the AM3 chip. Spend the extra money on an AM3 board, you will be much happier with it and will have a much faster and much more up to date computer.

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DarkWarrior45 is correct, but..


Its risky business buying a cpu and finding out that is doesn't work on your motherboard, i suggest stick to what works for that socket range only.


more info on socket am3. Note the new tri core phenoms are compatible with the quads. hince am3.




in the article


The final major change involves AM3’s pin-out arrangement. The overall number of pins drops from 940 for AM2 and AM2+ to 938. This reduction in pins is arranged to allow AM3 chips to drop into AM2 boards but not the other way around. This gives you the option of buying an AM3 processor today, using it on your existing AM2 motherboard and then upgrading to the full AM3 treatment at some later stage.


thats one reason i like amd so much, such a high compatibility rate :thumbsup: .


May not work with all motherboards though,

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DarkWarrior45 is correct, but..


Its risky business buying a cpu and finding out that is doesn't work on your motherboard, i suggest stick to what works for that socket range only.


more info on socket am3. Note the new tri core phenoms are compatible with the quads. hince am3.




in the article


The final major change involves AM3’s pin-out arrangement. The overall number of pins drops from 940 for AM2 and AM2+ to 938. This reduction in pins is arranged to allow AM3 chips to drop into AM2 boards but not the other way around. This gives you the option of buying an AM3 processor today, using it on your existing AM2 motherboard and then upgrading to the full AM3 treatment at some later stage.


thats one reason i like amd so much, such a high compatibility rate :thumbsup: .


May not work with all motherboards though,


so.... it would work? without any bottlenecks or anything like that? I really cant spend extra money right now, I'm a student that just got layed off of his part time job

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so.... it would work? without any bottlenecks or anything like that? I really cant spend extra money right now, I'm a student that just got layed off of his part time job


I'm going to be honest with you, if you were just laid off then now is not the best time to be buying computer parts, unless you absolutely have to have it. I'm waiting a year to upgrade my three year old system simply becuase money is tight, and that I have better priorities. Get your job situation worked out first, then look into this.


To answer your question, maybe, it all depends on the individual motherboard. You will need to check with the manufactuer to be able to tell if the board will recgonize the cpu. And if it does, then you will most likely be doing a BIOS flash. Yes, the cpu will physically fit, yes it is compatible with the socket. But if the board will actually see it, much different story. You run a risk when you drop an AM3 CPU into an AM2+ board, and the risks are 1) the cpu might not work in that board and 2) if it doesn't work, you just wasted valuable money.


Trust me, be patient, get a job, get some income, save your money, and buy an AM3 motherboard with DDR3 memory. It will take longer to get it, but you will be much happier with it and you will be in better financial condition.

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Normaly it should work with AM2+, or let me say in other words;

i've never heard till now that it doesn't work on a AM2+ motherboard.

My current system is MSI DKA 790GX-Platinum(MS 7550) with DDR2-1066, and it runs fine.

But it's right - bios upgrade has to be done otherwise the CPU runs with 800MHz instead of 3400MHz and it's the same with RAM.

The maximum of 1066 is only possible if the mainboard, recognizes 965 correctly and as AM3-CPU, otherwise you'll have DDR2-800

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On my WinXP backup PC I have a Asus M2N something, can´t remember model, but it´s a AM2+ AND a AMD Phenom II x 2 955 AM3+ and it runs perfectly. Check your motherboards homepage, check that your motherboard supports the CPU model you plan to purchase. If it is listed, it is supported. If not, your motherboard DO NOT support this CPU.

If you are in luck, you probably need a bios upgrade. No problems at all.

True you are stuck with RAM that works a little slower. I have multiple PC´s both DDR2 and DDR3. My Photoshop still complaines about too little system resources with 16 GB DDR3. They are useless because my Photoshop is old, and it will be so with everything else you got. So don´t think about the RAM. Only bottleneck is that you will be stuck with your probably 1000 mhz FSB on your mobo, instead of 2600 on the new ones.

DDR3 RAM works fully when you Install Win7, get rid of all old programmes, and by new ones that are upgraded. That´ll cost a fortune.

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