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Custom Textures not working


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I saw 2 other topics on this but they didn't go anywhere (one blank, the other a dud).


I have grabbed a few mods and they all work except for the textures. All custom models appear, but the textures seem to be randomly either invisible or taking samples from other items (stone, random pieces of other armors, etc...). Why is this? Are there some special patches or options to make it recognize them properly?


Some examples; The Modest Knight's Armor, Star Wars (chest in big town), Mantis Armor. All mods taking in-game models and textures work perfectly, but no custom textures register at all.


I tried activating/deactivating some mods, but no changes.

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There are two ways of allocating a texture to a model, one is directly in the .nif file and the other is using a texture set in the Geck, I am not sure how the MODs you are referring to do it, as I do not have them. If you are seeing either a large exclamation mark, or random texture colours (rocks, etc) as you described, then the model is unable to find the texture in the texture path specified.


The most common cause is that the textures simply are not there. Other things can be issues with vista and windows 7 user access control messing with your ability to change things under the Program Files folder.


Check to ensure that you have the textures in the first place. Unpack the mod to a temporary folder other than the game data folder, and check the textures sub-folder to ensure that there are texture files there. If there are, then check your game data folder and the textures sub-folder to ensure that the textures are the and in the same path.


It should start off with \fallout 3\data\textures.


Also, you may want to get archive invalidation invalidated mod.


The mods themselves should also have installation instructions, so ensure that you follow those. If all of that is not working, then you will need to open the mod up in the geck and have a look at how it works and you may need nifscope to check the texture paths of the nif files.


Hope that helps somewhat.



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There are two ways of allocating a texture to a model, one is directly in the .nif file and the other is using a texture set in the Geck.


Check to ensure that you have the textures in the first place. Unpack the mod to a temporary folder other than the game data folder, and check the textures sub-folder to ensure that there are texture files there. If there are, then check your game data folder and the textures sub-folder to ensure that the textures are the and in the same path.


Also, you may want to get archive invalidation invalidated mod.

I saw ".dds" files in the texture folders that came with the mods, and the only .nif was for one model of the modest knight mod. No idea if that's part of it. I'm going to try and re "install" these mods using the FOMM, and possibly any other tools I can find, see if they fix this.


EDIT: Used that invalidation invalidator and now the textures work fine! Thanks!

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