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How do I change a horse's home cell?


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Like the subject says: I'm trying to fix my unicorn so that when I tell it to go home, it goes back to a cell I specify. For the life of me I can't figure out where a horse's home cell information is. I poked through the AI packages and the object\creature stuff, and I must be missing something stupidly obvious. :( I'm going to bang my head on the desk if it turns out this can be done with the console or something. Any help is appreciated.
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You'll simply need to tell it the location you want it to go to in it's AI - under location


Hrm... I'm sorry, but could you be a little bit more specific for me, please? I'm kinda new at this. In the AI package under Location, there are a couple of different options to play around with. Near Reference, or In Cell. I wanted to go with In Cell so I could specify which cell I'd like it to wander around in -- but both those options have a drop-down selection box for choosing the cell, and all the cells listed are interiors. I need to be able to select an exterior cell and I don't know how to make it show those in the list.


If I open the cell I want in the render window and then choose Current Location in the AI package window, will that do the same thing?

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Nope, that would make your horse go to the location it is at the time the package kicks in. You need to place a xmarker in the cell you want it, and give it a ref. After that you go to location in your AI package, and select near reference. You can then choose in renderwindow to avoid the drop down lists.
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