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Aleatory CTD using 1600x1200 screen resolution, strange..


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It is strange, I get CTD when switching to interior or exterior cells or doing fast travel, but ONLY at 1600x1200 screen resolution.


It don't heppens with 1024x768, 1280x1024 or 1920x1440.


I will use other resoultion but, 1024x768 or 1280x1024 is a low resolution, and my computer can handle better than this.


1920x1440 works ok, but the monitor (a really good 21" CRT 4:3) it is set to 60Mhz, so you can see a ugly screen tearing.


The perfect is 1600x1200, 75Mhz, but this gives me CTD. :yucky:


Any ideas? Thanks! :happy:

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Ok, I am playing at 1920x1440 with Vsync enabled. No a lot of FPS but looks really nice :yes:


So forget about the 1600x1200 problem... but if someone have a tip... to solve the puzzle.



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