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Better Courier Dusters


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Hi everybody,


I was searching for an alternative Courier Dusters, because the vanilla ones all look too much like each other.

So i've found those very good dusters:


Mr House Duster: http://i1058.photobucket.com/albums/t407/Flamenx01/House1_zps93595f87.png with the American flag on the back

Yes Man Duster: http://i1066.photobucket.com/albums/u404/devinlpatterson/VaultDusterMixes_zps00895b5b.jpg (the middle one but with the last one's boots and the sleeves of the vault 3 utility jumpsuit) with the 21 ace on the back.

Legion Duster: http://i1058.photobucket.com/albums/t407/Flamenx01/Legion2_zpsdce48128.png with the bull on the back

NCR Duster: Didn't found one, but the riot gear (http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110922234010/fallout/images/d/d6/Advanced_riot_gear.png) with the bear on the back should do it.



(Thanks to the makers of those dusters)


Sadly, those were never realised.So i'm asking if someone could make them and throw them in a mod that replaces the vanilla ones with them, since I don't have any idea on how to make a texture or a mod.


Thank you for your concern, and thank you for (trying) reading my awfull english.

G'day !

Edited by SirZombiegton
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Me and Devin planned to do a light version and an armored version of all the dusters but we were both very busy (especially me) that's why it never got finished.
The light version version of the legion one was this:


and the light NCR version was this:


The one you had pictured for the legion was the heavy version that so far hasn't ever made it out of blender as it is horrible to edit. There was never a heavy version of the NCR/House/Independent designed though I do have a WIP armor that could be used:


I might try to get the dusters done before I go back to uni but encase I don't here's the stuff I have so far encase anyone want's to use them:

The meshes and textures (for the light house, NCR and Legion versions) are set-up ready to be added in game so it's just GECK work to add them

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Thanks for the reply, i'll try my best to make them, but i don't know how to use GECK. Anyway, i'll try to find a tutorial to make my own out of yours, if that's ok.

Also, is it easy to take parts of armors to make a new one ? That's what i want to do

Edited by SirZombiegton
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