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I have an idea I'd like to see implemented. using the sniper scope zoom feature or the Gauss rifle zoom.. a set of easily and cheaply bought Binoculars. Sometimes you just don't have a scoped weapon... and something to get a look at range before you walk into a trap would be nice.

Maybe even include a night vision mode would be sweet.

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I still haven't tested them ingame - I didn't have the time, sorry - but using the search engine I found this couple of mods I think you'll probably find interesting: Binoculars and Binoculars and Portable Scope.

As for the Nightvision Goggles, I use these and IMHO they're pretty neat (and, since they're powered by energy cells at your chosen interval of time - up to one every 60 secs wearing them - quite realistic too).

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Thankies... I'm gonna try the mods you posted.. didn't know there were any.
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