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Scripting Assistance with Arena Mod

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Hello All,


After playing many of the terrific mods offered at the nexus, I thought it appropriate to contribute work to the site.


What started as a simple, straightforward npc mod transformed into a challenging project (entitled "Potomac Breaks") with detailed plots and two new towns (both on the western fringes on the map to ensure they don't conflict with other mods).


I've managed to pick up the GECK quickly, constructing NPC's and the first town with relative ease (although it's naturally time-consuming), and I've gotten a functional grasp on dialogue as well.


However, my progress is now halted by my utter ineptitude at scripting. I am reading tutorials and acquainting myself with the protocols of scripting, but it admittedly is a slow process for a right-brainer like me.


The first town (titular "Potomac Breaks") is designed with a Western theme and residents of dubious (although not outright evil) morality, and I'd like it to feature an underground bareknuckle/pankration cage-style arena. This arena and the first series of NPC's are created and ready to go, along with any navmeshing, etc. Nonetheless, my maladroit scripting has run the whole thing aground.


I am looking for a script template to facilitate this arena, along with any other guidance. Nothing elaborate is necessary, just the bare-bones script for one npc (who gives the arena quest) and the competitors.


If the boxing arena fares well, I'd like to release a separate Roman-themed melee arena. Not to malign the current arenas, but after so many rounds it feels like a paintball match, so I'd like to offer something different.


Another element of the current mod is a Regulators quest for high-level characters with good karma. It includes a repopulation of Paradise Falls, upgrades for Evergreen Mills, and a plethora of named, evil NPC's (with a Western feel) for the player to track down. Like I said - it started simple, but I got carried away. I've already created 20+ evil NPC's and placed them in the wasteland, I just need assistance with scripting the quest and its objectives. I've tried analysing script from "You gotta shoot 'em in the head" and Aequiss' "Alliance-Regulators" mod, but I'm a slow learner in that area.


I want to avoid posting this mod until it's relatively polished. I will give full credit to any magnanimous soul who will assist me with scripting. If you live in the Las Vegas area, I will buy you a beer; if you get my arena working, I'll get you a goddamn six pack.


Thanks again for the outstanding mods and any forthcoming help.




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