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The reason there isn't any litigation yet is likely because no one wants to spend the necessary effort to do so. And to take on a giant like EA would just be an exercise in futility in my personal opinion. Corporations have armies of lawyers, so unless one has a good deal of evidence that is nigh near impossible to get around there is no real hope of getting anything to stick at all.


Peon's Plight was pretty cool. I honestly liked the new Archery sustained ability they offered. Combined with Arrow of Slaying, it allowed me to pretty much take out the caster in the enemy party without having to really let them get a spell off. Then I could just let my party run through the rest of the hurlocks or what have you. Made the game much more fun. Though I don't know what they were thinking when they made the last two Archery abilities. Friendly fire on archery shots? Elves were supposed to be master archers for a REASON. Seriously, what the hell.


On the armor stuff, there's no need to worry about clean saves or anything. When I reinstalled, I nuked the entirety of the Bioware directory and both DAO and DAA. Nothing was left. No characters. No save files. I started one completely from scratch with some nice modded hairstyles (Woo!) and started him off as a mage. As soon as he got into the Fade in the intro, I checked his inventory and saw nothing. Wasn't perturbed. Reloaded the game and there was Andraste's set along with the Bag of Holding. So, those two work at least. It's possible some of them require you to be in the camp first. I remember that's where I saw the Ivory Tower set the first time in my other save file before I reinstalled.


I think CCleanup hit all the registry stuff after I uninstalled. I used the registry option in there to clean up any loose files, which I believe it did since Dragon Age left a whole bunch there after it was gone. I'll get rid of one of the Runic Armors (probably the AW version since I've got the Ivory Tower in there the mod list already) and then play through to the camp to see what happens. Hopefully everything should show up. If not, I'll probably get very upset that I may need to uninstall AGAIN and possibly screw up my CD key in the process. I think that would make it my last install. Or maybe I'll have one more. Who knows.




All I can say is I hope Star Wars: The Old Republic is worth it after all this crap they've screwed up here.

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I hope that that got it all straightened out for you. I know that this is a very frustrating endeavor. Especially after having shelled out money for something that causes this many problems.


I do agree that a suit against EA would result in the HIGH probablity of a loss. Not all suits however, are taken for a monetary gain. (Granted, it would SUCK for the average joe to pay a lawyer for this!!!). Some of them are taken up to shed light or bring negative publicity to something. Basically an Anti-PR campaign to bring such actions into heavy media focus. Thats about the only thing that I can really think of that would be sufficient for EA to pull their heads out of their collective asses, and get them to even TRY to stop screwing up, like they have been for the last 10 years or so!

Tho tbh, theres a small ground to stand on. Considering that the DLC's are charged for, and the patch BLATANTLY blocks DLC content from the game, its depriving users of content from which they have paid to use.

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Finally had the time to sit down and go through the mage storyline I had going and finally got the camp and most of the armor still isn't loading. Had Andraste's from the beginning, but Legacy of Sundown, Verdant Sonata, Wings of Velvet, and the Ivory Tower set with Nightfall Bloom are not loading at all. What the hell.


This is just getting ridiculous.

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hdhd has uploaded a script that MIGHT help you out. But it will require a bit of work to add the items to the script. http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1131


what you'd have to do is open up the nss file in his mod using notepad. And open up the affected mods. If each item isnt loaded into it's own UTI file, then you'd need to open them up in toolset to get th names of the items.

You'd need to edit in the lines to add the items into the filelist of his mod, so that you can use the script to add them to the player manually using the console.


Also, have you tried leaving the camp and returning? sometimes theres a bug with it as its actually a different camp when going straight from Lothering the first time.

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In the most basic of terms, a uti file is a list for a weapon, piece of armor, or article of clothing. It basically lists the item's name that we know it as, the name that the game knows it as, what its stats are, its bonuses, etc. UTI is just the file extention. Like jpg, zip, mp3, etc.

But its cool, I understand.


I normally wouldnt do something like this. But I know that you've been dealing with this for a while now, and you've GOT to have gotten pretty frustrated with it by now.

And I'm feeling really bad that we havent gotten it sorted out for you by now.

So... if you want to, pm me a copy of the savegame for that character, and the specific mod names of the ones that arent working. I know I have the GW mod (arcane warrior, or normal?) and the verdant sonata mod. The others I may have to DL and install. I'll try it out on my system, and see if I can get it sorted out and send it back to you.


What you'll need to do is make a new zip folder. Just dont make it as an auto extracting folder, or my AV will block it as soon as it sees it. Just right click somewhere on your desktop, and choose file/new or just new (depending on your OS) and choose zip archive.

then make a new folder, and name it the same name as the character.

go to your documents/bioware/dragon age/characters folder, open the folder named after your character, then open saves.

find the save folder that has the HIGHEST number. If say, 146 is the highest number, thats the one I'll need. Copy and paste that, into the new folder that you made on your desktop. Then drag and drop the charactername folder into the zip file.


head over to www.megaupload.com and upload the file for free. after you upload it, the site will provide you with a link to the file. copy that link, and paste it into the pm that you send me. That will allow me to dl your savegame and try it out on my system to see if I can figure out what's going on.




Edit- Oh, tho you'll have to forceload the new savegame if I get it figured out, cause I probably have some mods installed, that you don't, and vice-versa :wink:

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Sorry for not getting back to you sooner. I was busy for the better part of the day, and didnt get a chance to get online till just now.


Hrm. Does more than one save game show up on your load list in game? Also, are you sure you're in the correct character folder?


If so, then Slot_1 is the one that youll need to send me. If not, then we've got another issue here from the sounds of it.

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Ok, I came across another potential method on how to fix this on the character that's having troubles with them.

Tho... I'll warn you now, you may not like it :sad:

its been suggested in the GW runic armor discussion, to try this, and has been stated by at least one other, that it works. So I'll relay it to you, and you can try it if you want to.


Go in, deactivate the mods with the issue.

Delete the savegames for the character, and start it over, keeping the mods deactivated.

Play the toon till you reach a point where you can make a savegame, and save it as a custom name.

Shut down the game, and reactivate the mods.

Start the game back up and see if it works.

If you've got awakening installed, I'd also recommend deactivating that, as well.


I dont know if you want to try this or not, but if so.... good luck. Backup your saves first :wink:


Its also being recommended to deactivate all the mods, and awakening, before starting up the new character :wink: Just for future notice :wink:

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