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Just a suggetion about a more "real" oblivion


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Hello guys,this is the first time i am suggestin somethin at tes nexus:D....well lets get started:

all of my ideas are from fable:


1)depenin on how your morale is(fame-infamy) your appearence to change,if u are evil u have to become corrupt or somethin,if good shine etc

2)one of things i always hated at oblivion is that the body's of the chars dont get wounded,it would be awesome! to see blood on your clothes if your health is low,scratches all over your body etc

3)the last one is that i dont like that when u talk to someone the backround freezes,wouldnt it be better if the characters were movin on the backround when u were speakin to someone??



and now a request http://www.lssc.k12.in.us/highschool/English/Hayden/Creative%20Writing/Nathan/Webpage/Kade%20of%20the%20perdition.jpg



i am still too mod at moddin so can somone make that female armor for me?

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Those would make great custom vampires. :thumbsup:


I think Deadly Reflex already does the injury thing. A mod where different injuries could put stat penalties on your character would be good (e.g. leg injury = speed penalty; arm damage = strength penalty). Can't remember if anyone's done something like that.


Your last point could probably be done with a console command. Wouldn't know how though.

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Adrenaline Fueled Combat also does locational damage to stats and atributes, but adding things like visual scars and battle damage would require changing nifs or textures on the fly. I think the nifscript team is working on this but it isn't implemented yet.




There is an existing mod for this I think its called blood spray, combine that with a bloody mess, unescassary violence and one of the locational damage mods i thought i remembered two or three covering that and your good to go.


as for the armor, a modder would need to see a few more pics to get it right, front side and back as complete as you can get it. Then you will need a great deal of luck in finding someone with both the time and desire to mod it in.


Your better off browsing google by running a search for "3D Modeling tutorials" I have discovered myself that it is no where near as difficult as i once thought.


and I will share the extremely basic weapons modeling tutorial that got me started


weapon modeling



*Note that it is not for oblivion and it does not come with export instructions for oblivion but it is an extremely easy to fallow tutorial on how to create a custom weapon model and it covers texturing. This tutorial can be used as a guide for creating other things too, such as swords, knives, spears, clubs, or anything else

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