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Type 3 frankenstein armors


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I see many nice armor mods out there but can't use them because they require a specific body replacer and it's almost always the one I'm not using.


I use the type 3 body because it seems to be the all round favorite and I assumed would have the largest selection of armor/clothing mods to choose from but all I'm finding are anime armors or "bikini" armor sexy nurse armor or japanes schoolgirl uniform armor.


As a guy I find the nude/sexy armor to be "interesting" but not practical and I don't like the anime armors or armors from other games I want fallout armor when I play fallout.


I would like to see mismatched armor sets. In keeping with the environment of the game; if you had a set of armor that was most likely in a state of disrepair and you killed a raider you would scavenge anything useful off him and add bits and pieces to your armor over time making for a unique frankenstien armor set. And more realistic in my opinion than the vanilla armors in the game. Mix pieces from 2,3,4 armor sets to come up with something that looks like it was made on the go as pieces of the original armor wore out or better pieces were scavenged and added on.


As a guy I would also like to see more revealing armor/clothing. I've seen topless armor which was basically just a set of shorts and offered no protection for the upper body which I think you might see in the wasteland on regular clothing but not for armor. I would like the armor to be revealing yet still look believable as well as the regular clothing revealing to show cleavage because of missing buttons and torn material not simply a strippers g string which looks nice but is totally out of character for the game.


Another example of armor would be power armor. The people living in the wastelands would not have the technology or skills to maintain or use power armor. But if they found a set they sure wouldn't just walk away from it. They'd carve it up into useful pieces and strap it on to their existing armor where they could.


If anybody knows of good authentic looking type 3 armor and clothing sets that have a sexy revealing look as well them please let me know. So far I have found only 1. The painspike armor with the see thru strainer top. Love that one.


I heard of a clothing mod where the mechanic's jumpsuit was unzipped halfway, sexing it up quite a bit but it was for moira only.


Lastly thanks to all the modders out there who provide us with such great mods for this game. Investing a butt load of time for free and taking a ton of flak and complaining from people instead of getting the thanks they deserve for trying to make fallout more unique and enjoyable.


Thanks Guys

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Not exactly what you're looking for but http://fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5424


You /could/ actually take it a step further and create a mod that's dependant on that one, adding scripts and such to the armors in the game that would allow you to split them up into parts (IE, the tailor maid armor additions), but of course it would conflict with any mod that changes armor variables (overhauls, mostly)


I use Type5, actually, and have noticed a problem with that an Tailor maid when I used to use it. Getting "scavenged" armor in other ways would be very difficult. It could be done, but I don't know exactly how Fallout 3 treats the armor slots... I can look into it and see what I can find but all I can imagine is it would work like tailor maid... you have normal armor equipped, then you simply equip little "accessories" on top of it.



For the more believable armor, I'm with you there, and it's something I plan on doing myself but my modeling skills still aren't up to par.

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Thanks Khet!


You're right it's not exactly what I had in mind. I was just hoping someone would create some new armor sets to be added with the original vanilla ones.


This goes even further! I never thought for a second that you could add pieces to a set of armor other than mixing body and head armor. It sounds great!


I haven't tried it out yet. I hope it works well with the type 3 body.


I wish I had the skill to mod. Hell I can barely spell mod without a dictionary to help me let alone make a mod and I have no artistic ability at all. You guys have a real talent. Wish I had been born 20 years later. My computer training was done on pre DOS computers with no screen only a text printout monochrome displays were a decade away and another 5 just to get 4 color graphics! And all the data was input on punchcards or reels of paper tape with holes punched in them. Think the 20 ton monstrosity had a total of 4 or 8Kb of memory too.


I know a lot of people out there love a certain type of anime or show and make mods to transform their fallout character into a copy of their favorite anime character or love to see every character in the game run around in a g string or less and that's all fine, just not my style. I'm fine with ANY sort of nudity in the game as long as it meshes with the atmosphere of the game. I like the "Trynfkwtme's Exotic Dancers Version 4" adding a strip club to the bar seems to fit well in a lawless wasteland environment and adds an adult atmosphere to a PG game which unfortunately the game designers are boxed into.


---I also love the fact that the nudity makes my wife make faces and roll her eyes at me for "being such a perv"--- :)


But thanks for showing me this mod. I'll tinker with it for a while and hopefully one of you genius kids will make the mod I'm looking for :)

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