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Mechafox armor


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After getting larrytmc's permission, I'm posting the request for this his Mechafox mod to be ported into Fallout 3. I tried this myself before posting this request, but I can't even get my head around converting the models. Needless to say, I could create a mod to save my life. I was also hoping to have the claws converted into an unarmed weapon.


If someone could take this request, I'd be very grateful.

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I took a shot at it and it looks alright, although I have not tried it in game yet. The FO3 skeleton doesn't have a tail bone, so it is weighted to the pelvis. Personally I think it looks better without the tail, but for all I know you're one of those people for whom that's the whole appeal so I left it on. I'll test it out and make sure it doesn't crash the game or something, then up it for you. You should still expect maybe some weird weights and stuff like that.
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Whether it has the tail or not isn't too big an issue to me, really. As for the glowing, with HDR on, it's nothing but glow, but once more, not too big an issue as HDR isn't completely vital for me to enjoy the game. I also skimmed through the comments on the uploaded file, and adding the claws as part of the armor would be a decent idea. Adding a bonus to unarmed damage would be a good way to make them work.


I appreciate you taking the time to convert the armor,

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What you've done is fine. You've actually done a bit more than I expected honestly, and I appreciate you taking the time to make this conversion. No need to worry about the weapon aspect of the claws, as I could just equip the character with a set of brass knuckles or spiked knuckles which seem to get hidden inside the sleeves of the clawed armor
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