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Crashes after certain point.


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After googling this problem, and checking the last few pages here I decided I should post my problem.


My game crashes after a certain point. It happened the first time when I completed the main quest, but did not do the Broken Steel quests, but continues exploring. I saved in Megaton and the next day when I load it its all fine. I can save I can do whatever I want. But after traveling to any location, I cant save without a crash and after a few minutes of walking or entering a building the game crashes.


So what I did the first time was load a older save game, before the last quest and continue exploring. That was fine until now. I reached lvl 18 and saved in Megaton and the crashes are back. I tried disabling addons, all different solutions floating on the internet but none works. Of course reloading an older one would probably solve it but I want to find a normal solution. Perhaps its tied to saving in Megaton ?


Thanks in advance for any help.

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Like I said, disabling mods did not help at all. I use both FOMM and FOSE, but Im still at patch 1.5. The newest brought too much problems for me so I stayed at an older one. I guess I will have to revert to an earlier save. Its wasnt that far, just whole Fort Constantine :D
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From your post it sounds like you already had Broken Steel installed, and are only just getting around to starting the quest.

I don't have Brooken Steel, and am only recent to the DC area, but if Broken Steel centers around Megaton and the install is new

then there may be something wrong with Broken Steels install.


It may help to try your earlier save fix again.

Hopefully you made some progressive saves to bring you closer to the lv18 so you don't have to rewind. Your most recent save that is not near Megaton should be OK.

Don't fast travel to Megaton. You could fast travel to Valult 101 , and walk to Megaton.

If the game does not crash as you approach then save outside Megaton and then save again inside, if you don't crash entering.

See how you go from there.

If the game crashes as you approach Megaton or when you enter then I would think that BS is the problem (If the quest involves

Megaton). IF BS does not involve Megaton then I would look for another mod that does.

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Try that i had some crashes, when i was entering to dc or other area.Now thanks to that solution i have no crashes.

1. Click Start

2. Click “All Programs”.

3. Go to the ffdshow folder.

4. Click “Audio decoder configuration.”

5. In the left hand pane, click “Info & debug.” or "DirectShow control".This is the second entry in the list.

6. In the right hand pane, near the bottom, find a check box labelled “Don’t use ffdshow in:”

7. Check that box, and in the text box underneath (it lights up when you check the check box), add “fallout3.exe” (don’t include the quotes). If there is already something in that box, put a semi-colon ( ; ) after what’s already there, and fallout3.exe after that. Do NOT use spaces, since ffdshow will think that’s part of the filename. A valid entry would be “explorer.exe;fallout3.exe” (without quotes).

8. Finally, click “Ok” and start Fallout 3.

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That ffdshow fix is an interesting one.

My game was locking up on my Win 7 machine and the ffdshow was one of the two major helps. The other was the

use two instead of four core ini fix.


What is really interesting about the ffdshow is that I did not have that codec (well I could not find it) so I installed the Win 7 codec

pack (from MS). Then I did the ffdshow fix.

Actually FO3 is already on the list with the new codec (it is a very long list), so you only need tick the box.

So I'm now wondering if maybe the real fix (in my case) came from one of the other codecs that were installed in the pack.

Whatever the case, my game runs very well now.


I also turn the search indexing option off. This helped some as well (stopped freezing and started black screen crashing - baby steps)

This was before the two fixes above. I also uninstalled Nero at this time as I read that someone else had success with that.

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