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more variety with armour and idea for dremora armour


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ok, could we have multiple models skins for several armours/weapons, that addamantium or whatever mod is ok but could we have sets of armour that use anothers mesh, for example glass armour using the amber model, deadric using the dwarven etc (to make 200ish more sets of armour ingame)? armour that wont work (glass imperial could be an ugly mother) shouldent be added though





i have also noticed this mod on planet elderscrolls, now i have this idea that dremora armour gets stronger with the wearer. whether this armour is obtainable by a quest or looted from dremora i dont realy care (if a quest, make it so individual pieces can be picked out) (make the armour lighter though, and these would also make great alternative deadrics)



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