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Smaller Snowflakes (for CoT)


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the one graphical thing that annoys me the most: giant snowflakes


you can see it here pretty good in the video: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/28110/? THE GIANT SNOWFLAKES!

(i dont use this mod, just linking it to show some video material of snowflakes; i just realized this mod adds even bigger snowflakes, are people gone mad? :D)


here is a screenshot: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=231731228 (not mine)


please, someone, make those snowflakes smaller! :sad:

(i have no idea if the snow is altered with climates of tamriel and if it needs a different "smaller snow" version, i use CoT since i installed skyrim)



i guess there are several ways to get them smaller. i just dont know how the snow works in skyrim. can someone explain me please? :smile:

Edited by mezz1945
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