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This Is Probably A Stupid Question But...


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The sub folders under "Weapon", how do you edit what falls under those lists, as well as the names of those lists? They aren't Form Lists, nor do they have any relevant right click options. I can't find any documentation anywhere. Long story short, how to you edit / add to the hierarchy?



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If that is a screenshot of the GECK - which it looks like - then highlighting the "Weapons" branch should bring up a list of weapons in the main view bit on the right. You can find weapons by sorting this list according to name, editor ID, or form ID depending on which you know.


Oh, and you edit them by double-clicking on the specific weapon. This brings up a window with lots of buttons to press.




Having actually read what you posted, I realise I didn't actually answer your question. My bad.


To edit which DLC weapons are in, you have to do that through FNVEdit. Could be tricky though, make sure you know what you're doing before you edit official content.

Edited by AxlDave
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Yes, when installing a DLC it will add to your Data folder with a .bsa or with Meshes and Textures folders as well as an .esp. However, just moving the meshes to a different folder will not work. All that will do is make them unfindable for the DLC. You would have to change all the associations made to those meshes and textures as well. As I recall, FNVEdit does that fairly simply.

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So the folders in the GECK are just pulled from the subfolder of where the weapon's model is?



What you are looking at is a catalog of where the resources for the game and that particular plugin are kept, by file path. If you were to add a new object to that plugin via the Geck and its resources pointed to a new file path the Geck would insert that path into the hierarchy you have pictured in your OP. It does it for all different object types, not just weapons. I have "llama" titled sections in my hierarchies because I keep the new resources I add to my mods in a folder titled llama.

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