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Need help with nifskope! Desperate situation!


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I've decided to try modding (or at least editing) Fallout: New Vegas almost a week ago. I downloaded all the programs needed, Blender, Nifskope and G.E.C.K., and started to learn them by tutorials. Later on, I thought I mastered the basics, so I went and tried to edit pieces of two armors Iiked, and merge them into one. So I cut the parts I didn't need (with blender) from both the two armors and tried to merge them with nifskope. As you already have understood, It just didn't work. In fact, when I started G.E.C.K. and loaded the .nif file in it, it immediately crashed to desktop. Now, providing you with the files I used and modified, I'd like someone to teach me how to merge the meshes (cause after hours of searching I haven't found any good tutorial on how to do it) or merge himself the meshes and show me how to do it.


Meshes link:https://www.mediafire.com/folder/f563vg239bw1o/meshes_used


Thanks in advance

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You copied it wrong also your string names are bad.


on the mesh you want to take a part from, right click on it and COPY BRANCH


On the mesh your building, right click on the VERY TOP Ninode and paste branch


Its value/string may say something like "bip01 pelvis" this is a skeleton part so it needs changing


Click on the pasted part and in block details at the bottem you will see string and value, right click and edit string on this section and rename to something like armorpart/pantys or what ever. It does not realty matter aslong as its not a biped part or gorecap etc, the only exception is pipboy part, PipBoyOn and PipBoyOff are flagged used to tell the mesh to hide a certain mesh section if the NPC or your character has the default pipboy on.

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