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Armor request


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Hi, I was wondering if someone could please create a new armor:


For the body, I would like it to be based on this picture:



Robe and Hood


I would like the robe and hood to be black.


Shoulder Pad


I would like the should pads to be colored black and a bit bigger and to have a six-inch tall cone shaped silver spike where the circle thing is on the shoulder pad.


Chest Area


I would like the central chest area to have a blue glowing circle thing like the arc reactor in the iron man armor. I would also like for all the armor pieces to silver and for the chest plate to be more connected to the groin armor piece. For Example: http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100209162744/masseffect/images/3/32/Medium-human-Titan.png . I would also like a batman-esque utility belt (with compartments on it) in black.


Gauntlets and Forearms


I would like them to be black with silver forearm pieces and silver armor pieces on the hand. If possible, for the hands to be bigger than normal size (so the hand part looks almost like twice its size) for the appearance of armored gloves that can crush a stone into dust. I would also like the elbow and forearm pieces to be silverlook like this: http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100108140242/starwars/images/1/17/Obi-Wan_virus_bombs.jpg


Under Mesh


I would like the mesh armor to be blackish silver and kind of like the armor from crysis. http://www.gamespot.com/pc/action/crysis/images/0/1/?full_size=1




For the Helmet, I would like a black colored version of the iron man helmet (this picture also has an image of the chest area arc reactor). Same color as the armor with the face plate silver and the rest black with glowing blue eyes like the War Machine armor.



The colored version:





If anyone can do this THANK YOU VERY MUCH in advance!

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