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The Treasure Cove [WIP]


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The Treasure Cove




A new beach with a few sink holes that go into underground caves with unique treasures!



World - 0% - Not Started - No New Info

Items - 1.5% - Programming - 1 Almost Finished Item (Fixed Some Glitches)

Models & Textures - 0% - Need Modelers - No New Info

Quest - 50% - Waiting For World - Just Finished Planning out Quest


(Items will have temp. models until i have new models)



Scribe's (Programmers) - JadeStoneX

Adventurer's (Beta Testers) - JadeStoneX

Sculptor's (Modelers) - None

Painter's (Texture-er) - None

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Might I suggest that your completion percentage for the quest is too high. It takes much more effort to enter a quest into the CS, test it, and debug it than it does to dream it up. If you have "planned out the quest" and that is all you have done, then you might be sitting at 5%-10% rather than 50%, depending upon how complex your quest is.


I am imagining your mod will have pirates, shipwrecks, skeletons, and hidden treasure. But that is just what the name brought to my mind.

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The CS is treacherous. Many a time have I spent an hour modding something. Then I have to spend three hours debugging, testing, and tweaking that one hour of work. If you think you are halfway done when you haven't even touched the keyboard and mouse yet, then you might be in for a humbling experience.


I looked at your list of uploaded mods, and started wondering if maybe you should content yourself with a somewhat simpler version of your mod. It sounds like you need modelers, texturers, and worldspace creators. If you changed the plan to only use components that you were skilled at making yourself, you could complete your mod more easily and sooner and would not have to depend so much on other people.


Hopefully you will be able to recruit the personnel you need though.

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Due to this would be my 4th mod im going to halt this until i can do a better job i want this to be bethsada quality.

I have been doing other stuff. if anyone wants my beta sword private message me it is a sword with 2 holding modes

1 as normal and another one in which it is used as a unbreakable lock pick (This was going to be 1 of the many rewards

for searching the cave with a bunch of skeletons guarding it while it was stuck in a rock and the way to get their would be

hard due to it would be jumping from rock to rock with a endless pit if you missed one of the rocks.(The original balancer

for the sword was going to be that it required you to do the quest where you get the skeleton key and also you had to

be in the dark brother hood to even access the tunnel to get to it.))(The model the sword is using is the steel long


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