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Potential PC Slavery Mod.


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Well, look at it this way.


You walk around a dark corner and out of nowhere you are mezzed and have all your weapons and armor taken, and then stuck in a place with 7 or more gaurds. Then you shouldn't be able to just brute force your way out of that situation. And if you can, then the whole game in general must be too easy for you and you should mod it to make it harder.


Plus, if you have a slave collar, they could just implode your head at the touch of a button, so it would simply be a matter of do what they say or instant death.

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I agree Wookie,I am hoping for someone to make a pretty immersive and difficult mod with this. one with both an angle for evil players and for good aligned.. also someone who has shown interest already in attempting to do the mod has rightly suggested to me NOT to include the perks.. or if possible perks not soo difficult to remove if the mod is removed.. so I think some of it will be easier to do that way... And as for easily breaking free after being enslaved... LOL.. if it were so.. slavers might not be in business long..
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Well, look at it this way.


You walk around a dark corner and out of nowhere you are mezzed and have all your weapons and armor taken, and then stuck in a place with 7 or more gaurds. Then you shouldn't be able to just brute force your way out of that situation. And if you can, then the whole game in general must be too easy for you and you should mod it to make it harder.


Plus, if you have a slave collar, they could just implode your head at the touch of a button, so it would simply be a matter of do what they say or instant death.

Indeed you shouldn't. Getting out should require more skill, like being able to turn off the collar with good science, bargain with your captors if you're charismatic or do the classic and simply ride it out until the collar is off then go from there. The very evil and paradise falls friendly should probably be able to cut a reasonable deal with eulogy, the good karma players should probably be able to get help from fellow slaves. If it's just an annoying random event that forces you to go along a mandatory quest and end up with a negative perk at the end of it then the mod won't be very popular.


Then you shouldn't be able to just brute force your way out of that situation. And if you can, then the whole game in general must be too easy for you and you should mod it to make it harder.

I have.(MMM, 3x weapon damage, Ks Dynamic Sneak, CE:T, Dead bodies alert NPCs etc) My definition of Brute force differs from the norm. Most people's idea is POWAH ARMOUR AND MINIGUNZ AND TEH FATMAN. Nasty, Brustish and Short(well the user's typical lifespan is...). Proper force is putting a powerful charge on an unsuspecting foe, emptying a long burst into a raider's head and torso whilst his buddies are distracted then launching a 40mm grenade in the crowd when they take a look; finishing off the 3 round the corner with a 50 round mag of LMG. My BF&I and someone else's only differ in that I swap ignorance for intelligence.

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A lot of the ideas here stated are done in my quest mod 'Friendly New Neighbours'.

It's a bit outdated and should be played completly without balance changing mods to keep your PC alive.

It is an interesting challenge to survive as a slave and I had a lot of fun playtesting it.

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A lot of the ideas here stated are done in my quest mod 'Friendly New Neighbours'.

It's a bit outdated and should be played completly without balance changing mods to keep your PC alive.

It is an interesting challenge to survive as a slave and I had a lot of fun playtesting it.


I played your mod and found it had some issues.. such as it was easy to do quest parts out of order causing parts to become impossible to complete.. but after figuring out the proper order it was fun and interesting. My only wish was that it was more immersive. The idea I'm posing is just that. In your mod after you are finally sold.. well basically after a long trip.. or short if Dicky dies like fast.. LOL.. that guy with the Rocket launcher killed him on me just outside of Megaton.. anyways I'm looking to see a mod that continues on past you being sold.. and you actually arrive at your new owner.. and until then no idea what sort of slave you will be,anything from a mule to a pack rat looking for stuff for your new master.. or god forbid.. forced into enslaved prostitution.. or worse of all Dinner for a Cannibal. I just think a mod that results in you actually being a sold slave for however it takes for you to buy,bribe.trick or otherwise figure a way out of it.. you're a slave.. and working like a dog for your new owner.

I thought your mod was fun.. but just not enough meat and bones if you will... your slavery ended too quickly.. and had no repercussions ..If Dicky made you work as a slave for him.. that would have been interesting or if when you arrived at the place where Sister was supposed to be.. he ACTUALLY WAS.. and things just went for you from bad to much worse.


P.S. I hope what I said won't be spoiler stuff.. don't mean to..

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  • 3 years later...

In my alt start remake mod (Custom Beginning) i am using a history called escaped slave . You start the game just outside Paradise Falls. You just escaped. You have a slaver collar around your neck. Paradise falls is hostile towards you but you can still get mesmetron form the entrance.
This is all I have done so far. I am in need of ideas for my mod.

btw this mod is easily doable actually. You simply have to remap a random encounter when you bump into a pack of raiders you pass out using fatigue apply a shader effect fade to black teleport player into paradise falls cages add a collar around his neck fade from black . you are now a slave. You need then to make a way for yourself to escape. Or if you want more depth you need someone to do voice acting for you.

Edited by africaisstarving
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