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Scripting a Secret Door.


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Hello, another thread from me again.


I'm doing quite a big mod for my standards and I could use some help with a script of some sorts.


Basicly, I want a candle to open the door to a wine-barrel (I know, big Skingrad-ripoff, I'm sorry). But I don't know how. Does anyone have a link to some sort of Scripting tutorials for secret doors or something?


I tried to do the cheap thing by just using the same script and items as the Skingrad Dungeon used, but that didn't work.

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The trick about them is that they are linked. It's called Parenting.

Whenever you see 'getParentRef' in a script you know it'll be required to link to another object in order to function.

Be sure the secret wall is a persistent reference (DoubleClick, then tick the persistent box) Double click on the candle, go to the parent tab, hit the button and then target the secret wall.

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The trick about them is that they are linked. It's called Parenting.

Whenever you see 'getParentRef' in a script you know it'll be required to link to another object in order to function.

Be sure the secret wall is a persistent reference (DoubleClick, then tick the persistent box) Double click on the candle, go to the parent tab, hit the button and then target the secret wall.


Ah, sweet, easier than I thought :D Thank you so much for the help! ^_^!

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Put a script on the book. The map marker should be persistent with a ref-name.

In the script of the book, use ShowMap and a variable to close it off.

Like done here at the RiddleChestScript. Just replace the messagebox part with showmap and the ref of the marker behind it.

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