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Creating A Spell Script

Bolgo The Madd

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I keep getting an error messege in line 5 when trying to make a spell script.


It says that the reference for the 'magic item' doesn't exist.

I'm not trying to make an object.


I assume the 'magic item' is the spell effect.

But I can't create new spell effects, no one can.


That's why I'm trying to make a script.

None of the tutorials are telling me what I'm doing wrong.



Can someone help me?



glut glut


Bolgo The Madd

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Well.....You're challenging The Man. He doesn't like it when you try threaten his power. He's gonna smack you down.



Good point.

but I just owned him.



The deal is I was doing the script fine.

But I didn't have anything to reference.


The 'magic Item' I needed didn't exist.... so I made one.

Actually I made a new ability that funcitons only after being referenced by the script of the Lesser power I was making... All fixed.





glut glut



Bolgo The Madd

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