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Questions about the player character


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So many things about the PC are never discussed so it leaves me to wonder. Firstly, how old is my character supposed to be? In fact, how old are any of the characters supposed to be? I find it strange how nobody's age is ever even mentioned at all, they're never even hinted at or implied in any way. I'm just taking a wild guess by saying most of the characters look to be in their early-mid twenties, which seems pretty accurate to me, but what do you think?


Also, what about the PC's virginity? Nothing is ever mentioned at all about the PC's own virginity status, nor is anything made very clear about what their status was at the beginning of the game's story, so... does that mean if my character doesn't have a single sexual encounter during the game, they stay a virgin? Or did they probably lose it before the beginning of the story? Lol.

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So many things about the PC are never discussed so it leaves me to wonder. Firstly, how old is my character supposed to be? In fact, how old are any of the characters supposed to be? I find it strange how nobody's age is ever even mentioned at all, they're never even hinted at or implied in any way. I'm just taking a wild guess by saying most of the characters look to be in their early-mid twenties, which seems pretty accurate to me, but what do you think?


They are as old as you want them to be. You can design your character to be very old or very young. Most choose very young in which case the late teens to early twenties is the target age that the storyline implies. You're old enough to be considered a warrior, yet young enough to worry about falling in love still.


Also, what about the PC's virginity? Nothing is ever mentioned at all about the PC's own virginity status, nor is anything made very clear about what their status was at the beginning of the game's story, so... does that mean if my character doesn't have a single sexual encounter during the game, they stay a virgin? Or did they probably lose it before the beginning of the story? Lol.


There's a lot not mentioned for good reason. In this type of game, its intended for the player to play their own type of character. Flesh out their personal histories based on their origins. In the case of the Dalish origin, it was always my impression that my chars were virgins after the origin. Why? It falls along the same lines of the Dalish beliefs. My Human Noble was not a virgin. She was trolling for booty long before I left Highever and my older brother implies the same in conversation lines. I've yet to play a dwarf, but the dialogue seems to imply that the dwarven nobles are far from chaste. Especially with the dwarven noble hunters. I don't play mages, I just don't have as much fun as a mage and haven't really gone through their dialogue lines. But I would imagine they find comfort in one another while locked up in the tower. Ever been to band camp? Ever heard the rumors? Imagine it times a thousand. :thumbsup:

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Your character in all game plays is 20 years old. Alistair is the same age as you and Morrigan is 2 years older than you. This comes from the game files. Cailan is 23 years, same as Anora. Do note that there are inaccuracies with the game and the book files by 10 years so in game. So you will be 30 years old in the game.
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Yeah, we had a sidetrack discussion about this in another thread. The book that BKE is referring to, is the dragon age novels, by the lead write of DA named David Gaider (which are a fun read, btw) published a few years ago.

The timeline between the novels and the game is different. Somewhere an extra ten years got thrown into the game. So that's what he means.

To look up the characters ages, open up the toolset, click the little ALL icon in the right side of the screen and then type in a name of a character. Usually listed under the second GLOBAL setting, you can find their character file, which has their age listed in it.

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I personally think that we can not tell 100% that PC age is the same in all origins. And to me PC age differs from 18 to 25 years. No more than 25 because PC can tell Wynn that she is old enough to be its grandmother and she is 55 by toolset information.
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To look up the characters ages, open up the toolset, click the little ALL icon in the right side of the screen and then type in a name of a character. Usually listed under the second GLOBAL setting, you can find their character file, which has their age listed in it.

I didn't know the toolset had character ages hidden away in there, thanks DarkeWolf :)

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After looking in toolset char data I have decided to stay with formal PC is 20+- 2 years old.

Because all ages there is such a mess that I would not touch with a ten foot pole. Morrigan 30 I do agree with this but Alistair 32 and still called "young man"? There is something wrong there.

Perhaps there is classical book-to-game time line mess.

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