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Running Backwards...


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Okey, so i haven't played Oblivion for some time... but some days ago, when i decided to play it a bit, i noticed a horrible bug...


I run backwards all the time, i can't stop... unless i run forwards, but i can't stop... and it affects all my savegames..


I haven't added any new mod or anything... i tried shutting off all my mods, but it didn't do anything... i tried to unplug my keyboard and mouse... nothing...

Please help.

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Because that's what happens with a joystick plugged in.


If unplugging the joystick fixes it find, the line "bUsejoystick=1" in your Oblivion.ini and change it to "bUsejoystick=0"


This would be in the ...\Documents\mygames\oblivion\Oblivion.ini file, NOT the "Oblivion_default.ini" file (do NOT mess with the Oblivion_default.ini file at all).

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