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Hello again. So last night I do something stupid, download a bunch of houses from ORE thinking they're sort of professional and thus not prone to breaking. Since my internet is so sloppy right now I decide to download as many that I liked as possible, figuring I'll forget to install them unless I do it wholesale. CTD. I disable all of them, still get CTD where I hadn't gotten them before or where I had fixed them. I think it's the Bash patch, so I rebuild it. Check a few new mods off, and they work now, then I check some more, and now they don't work.


Of course, I played around with this stuff for hours, and I can't figure out what is causing conflicts. I suspect it's COBL, as I installed that last night though I had had some troubles with it before. Perhaps not. The area around Leyawiin is the worst. I do know ORE favors that area for its house mods.


I post my mod list to see if any of you recognise conflicts from personal experience. I'll continue to check and uncheck mods, hoping my game will return to health.


PS: I run Windows 7 x64.


Active Mod Files:
00  Oblivion.esm
01  CM Partners.esm
02  Mart's Monster Mod.esm  [Version 3.7b3p3]
03  Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul.esm  [Version 1.34]
04  Jog_X_Mod.esm
05  Qarls_Harvest.esm
06  Ulrim's Horses.esm
07  FCOM_Convergence.esm  [Version 0.9.9a7]
08  AkaviriKojima.esm
==  ROOT=====================
09  DLCShiveringIsles.esp
0A  Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp  [Version 3.2.0]
0B  Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch.esp  [Version 1.4.0]
==  LIBRARY==================
0C  CM Partners.esp
==  TWEAK-1==================
0D  LoadingScreens.esp
==  TWEAK====================
0E  Atmospheric Oblivion.esp
==  OVERHAUL=================
0F  Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul.esp  [Version 1.34]
==  MISC.====================
10  actors_in_charge.esp
11  Bag of Holding.esp  [Version 1.5.0]
12  DLCHorseArmor.esp
13  DLCOrrery.esp
14  DLCSpellTomes.esp
==  HOME=====================
15  DLCBattlehornCastle.esp
16  DLCThievesDen.esp
17  DLCVileLair.esp
==  QUEST====================
18  DLCMehrunesRazor.esp
19  The Lost Spires.esp
==  NONE=====================
1A  UOP Vampire Aging & Face Fix.esp  [Version 1.0.0]
++  OOO-DLT_Remover.esp  [Version 1.33]
1B  LoadingScreensAddOn.esp
1C  Natural_Weather_by_Max_Tael.esp
1D  Natural_Habitat_by_Max_Tael.esp
++  Book Jackets DLC.esp
1E  Natural_Water_by_Max_Tael.esp
++  Symphony of Violence.esp
1F  Storms & Sound.esp
20  Akatosh Mount By Saiden Storm.esp
21  aaaBorsBedrolls.esp
22  personality_idles2.esp
23  Qarls_Harvest.esp
24  Cutthroat Merchants.esp
25  StandingJOJO.esp
++  GrimbotsSpellTomes.esp
++  MaleBodyReplacerV3.esp
++  MaleBodyReplacerV4.esp
++  TFF_FantasyFigures_Base.esp
26  Armory of the Silver Dragon.esp
27  Bloodeus'UniqueStuff.esp
28  Dreadweave Complete_Light.esp
29  KDDwemerSpectacles.esp
2A  Slof's Boners! v5.esp
2B  Silverlight Armor by Jojjo.esp
2C  Warglaives by Jojjo v1.0.esp
2D  Slof's Horses Base.esp
2E  Slof's Extra Horses.esp
2F  Bob's Armory Oblivion.esp
30  FCOM_BobsArmory.esp  [Version 0.9.9]
31  Oblivion WarCry EV.esp
++  OOO-Water_Weeds.esp  [Version 1.33]
32  zCats & Rats.esp
33  OOO-WaterFish.esp  [Version 1.34]
34  AkaviriKojimaTravel.esp
35  Bjornheim.esp
36  BlackMarshHall.esp
37  BravilSeaDomes.esp
38  Cropsford Cottage.esp
39  Dwemer_Skyship_1_1_0.esp
3A  eyja.esp
3B  Jeral View Chalet.esp
3C  Kragenir's Death Quest.esp
3D  KDQ - Rural Line Additions.esp
3E  EiAmod.esp  [Version 1.1]
++  EiAmod_ShiveringIsles.esp
3F  KumikoManor.esp
40  Lem - The Rift.esp
41  GlenvarCastle.esp
42  Pine Lodge ver2.esp
43  Sky Haven.esp
44  Snow Dragon Temple v1.0.esp  [Version 1.1]
45  snowglobe.esp
46  Solace.esp
47  Southhelm Manor.esp
48  Star Ship Orion.esp
49  Stonewall Townhouse.esp
4A  thievery.esp
4B  VHBloodlines 1.2.esp  [Version 1.4]
4C  Woodcutters_Cabin.esp
4D  DLCfrostcrag.esp
4E  Ulrim's Horses.esp
4F  Shadowcrest_Vineyard.esp
50  ElsweyrAnequina.esp
51  Reaper's Esmeralda's Desert Manor.esp
52  Castle_Almgard-V2.esp
53  Natural_Vegetation_by_Max_Tael.esp
54  Harvest [Flora].esp  [Version 3.0.0]
++  Harvest [Flora] - Shivering Isles.esp  [Version 3.0.0]
++  Harvest [Flora] - DLCVileLair.esp  [Version 3.0.0]
55  Harvest [Flora] - DLCFrostcrag.esp  [Version 3.0.0]
56  Sexlivion_0.4a_Full_English_v1.esp
57  bondage_sex.esp
58  Eroblivion.esp
59  Alternate Start Revamped.esp
5A  BasicInstinct.esp
++  OOO-Level_Stock.esp  [Version 1.33]
5B  CTAddPose_v_1.esp
5C  CTAddPose_ bondage_sex.esp
5D  77_Umpa_Animation.esp
5E  EFGAddPose.esp
5F  shinyEmotions.esp
60  DMC Stylish - Specialanims.esp
61  Slof's Sexy Anims.esp
62  Cosmetic Compilation.esp
63  Elves Of Lineage II.esp
64  CM Partners Special NPCs.esp
65  CM Partners NPC.esp
66  CM Partners More NPCs.esp
67  CM Partners Marker NPCs.esp
68  CM Partners Extra NPCs.esp
69  Colored Map for Elsweyr 1.1.esp
6A  Ring of Atmospherancy.esp
6B  Skyrim Khajiit.esp
6C  Playable Golden Saint Race.esp
6D  RANItms.esp
6E  mrSiikas_Camel.esp
6F  Bruma House For Sale.esp
70  Gypsy Wagon.esp
71  EyeOfNirn.esp
72  SkyShip.esp
73  Treemold Hall.esp
74  Project Spartan.esp
75  The Oak and Crosier Inn Player House.esp
76  OREChristmasMod.esp
77  The_Eagles_Nest_Returned.esp
78  ColovianHeightsMansion.esp
79  hobbit.Hole.esp
7A  Clamshell_Cottage_v1.5.esp
7B  RingwraithArmorGlass.esp
++  ElsweyrAnequina - Races HGEC-Robert.esp
==  LAST+1===================
7C  Bashed Patch, 0.esp

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