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Problems with MSGO- please advise!


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I'm having strange glitches with MSGO that I haven't seen written about in the searches I've done. I've gone through the installation process at least 2 dozen times and each time, I get different results. One time the sun looks like a pinpoint and has a star burst effect with static 'sheets' of sun rays, instead of the lovely sunbeams it normally has. Another time the rocks and trees are bright and glittery, like they are frosted with silver. Many times, white hair and clothes are blindingly bright and seem strange. Now being in sunken ships underwater results in very strange lighting/graphics. I'm having trouble with the sky. There is a strange halo-like 'accordion' effect where the sky is segmented into rings. Lighting seems very wrong. When day progresses into night, the effect isn't seen as a slowly, changing panorama of color and light, but strange jerky changes. Also, the moons will be apparent in daytime and will be a light color. It will suddenly become very laggy and sluggish for no apparent reason, even when the fps is very low.


I have it set to Fast config (which my system should handle perfectly). I'm using the second best version of MGE. I've made sure my specs should handle these settings. My in-game view distance is set to maximum.


I've removed all the added sound mods, the lighting mods, and have all the green (lite) options selected, except for a few exceptions, and then I've chosen yellow. I've tried it on monitor settings from low to high and it doesn't seem to make a difference.


I can't see what is causing this. I'm not coming up with any results from my searches. I can say that unselecting MGE in Options and running without Distant Land doesn't make a difference. It's definitely coming from MSGO. I think the settings are off and the default aren't working for some reason. But I don't know what needs to be changed.


Is anyone else having these issues? I'm so desperate to make this mod work. It just makes the game so much more alive and dynamic, I can't imagine going back to playing without it.


Thank you so much for your help!

Edited by WanderingWhisper
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  • 3 weeks later...

I do notice the silver trees issue, i just pretend that they are old and petrified lol. in addition, the moons often dissapear on phases other than new and the occational "ground glitter" as I call it. the rest of the things you have listed I have not noticed, but I use MGE XE. I think that some of these mods and graphics may be optimized for that program because that is what came with the bundle.

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