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Humble request for help :P


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Hello lads,


While playing Skyrim I was using only 2 mods:
- Cloaks of Skyrim

- Proudspire manor Dragon Born Edition (unknown version)


The problem is that on my savegame (over 200h gameplay) I stored ALL items in that very modded house.

Recently I was performing a format on my HDD and I lost proudspire DBE mod, I do not remember mod version and I cannot find it anywhere (only newest version).

I have contacted mod creator but after month of no response I decided to ask You for help.

- All I remember is that in the house jarl room (in basement) there was smithing stand/ melter, anvil, workbench etc.

- In next room (originaly with 2 armor mannequins, basement) many armor mannequins and weapon plaques on the wall.

- Enchanting table was moved to small room with fireplace along with alchemic boxes and aparatus.

- Rest of the house was pretty the same as original.


Any of you can tell me version of mod? Give link to the mod maybe? Send me mod?

Maybe I can extract items using TES Constr. to my char?


Beers on me if any1 can help me :P

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