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Blockable Arrows and Spells


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Hey guys,
i just wanna know if there is a mod, that let me block an enemy arrow or spell.
for example, if i use my power attack against a spell, like fireblolt or icespike i can deflect it, same thing with the arrows.

If there is no mod like this, i would be glad if someone could create it.

As and OP version of this mod, i would recommend, that if a dragon uses a fire shout on you, and you use your power attack.
the fire shout is going to interrupt in an instant.

greetings fridgeee

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hitting magicka somehow doesn't sound right, and you want to HIT arrows aside? A step to the side sounds a lot easier than the need of skill to properly time the attack... or just hide behind your shield.

Aaand dragons already interrupt breath attacks on both (sometimes, not always) power attacks AND (always) bashes/fus (ro dah)

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