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Oblivion art gallery scripting help


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I stumbled across a modder's resource here on the Nexus that contains dozens and dozens of absolutely beautiful paintings for free use in mods. I'm much too lazy to go through the entire game replacing every single painting with one of my choice, but if I only replace the ones in buildings I frequent, I'll be missing out on seeing most of the paintings. Sooo the obvious solution seems to be to create a mod to make the Oblivion Art Gallery, a building where I can display all the paintings all the time. Problem is? There are still far too many paintings for just one building, even one dedicated to displaying art, unless it's a five-story Ayleid ruin.


What I'd like to do is script the gallery so that a different set of paintings are displayed each week. My question is, is that even possible to do? I'm an okay programmer in C++, Java and JavaScript; not hot stuff, but I learn quickly and can typically figure out what I need and work out bugs through trial and error (I'm the type who learns well from examples and reading the manual). However I'm not familiar with Oblivion mod scripting so I'm not sure of its limitations. From a first glance it looks like what I'd need to do is set up the gallery with all the paintings set to be initially disabled, then script to enable the references for each set of paintings, with a counter to determine how long they've been hanging, and after a week, disable the current set and enable the next set, etc. (Actually it seems like it may be easier to do what the chapel altars do without the Unofficial Patch, which is check for the day of the week rather than how long it's been; i.e. have the gallery reset itself every Sundas... issue there is I'm not sure if it's possible to stop the reset from happening if the player enters the gallery multiple times on a Sundas).


Anyway, I'm just hoping an experienced mod scripter could let me know if this idea is workable, given what scripts can and cannot do. Let's assume OBSE capability. If it's not workable or I'm going about it in a horribly inefficient manner, is there another way I can do what I want? Or is this whole concept the worst n00b idea in the history of n00bs?

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you would probably need a looping script to check how many days have gone by and the enable/disable sets of paintings in sequence. it is theoreticly possible but it would take quite a bit of time, and if your in the gallery when it changes them all you would be looking at major lag for a few seconds possibly a crash on lower end systems. maybe a button on the outside door of the building that would change them whenever you want? making a script that works on a button press might actually be easier and faster.
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