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Horse Inventory: Equipable Saddles


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Well I believe this is officially my very first request in any request section, been a long time coming I suppose lol.


I am working on a mod that overhauls horse equipment, new saddles, new bridles, spurs, saddle bags, barding, horse shoes, equipable horse war paints, lots tack and ect. You can mix and match almost all the stuff, want a different bridle with a different saddle go ahead.


So far its all going well, the only issue is this.


I am not a script maker sadly, if this where Morrowind/Oblivion/Fallout 3/Fallout New Vegas I could prolly muscle my way through this and figure it out. But since Skyrim has totally new scripting I am really at a lose on figuring this out. I did try but alas I am a idiot lol.


Now before anyone posts about this mod:



I am aware of its existence, but I am also aware it does not work well with CH and I BELIEVE it does not let me add items as I please you have to use the items it provides.



What I would like to see made, a mod that is similar to the current Horse Inventory mod BUT uses either a spell or custom button to access ANY horses real inventory you are currently targeting AND fully compatible with Convenient Horses. By compatible I mean so long as your not using the "horse equipment" feature from Convenient Horses.


That is pretty much it, a spell/power or a custom button that accesses the horse you are targeting real inventory.

I have heard that horse inventory can sometimes/often disappear, so that could be a issue that might need to be worked out.


So there we have it, my first request. Thank you for checking it out. :)


If this request is sadly never filled, then my mod can never be released. ):

Edited by nivea
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Can't you do something like this?:

Scriptname NAME_of_Your_Script extends ActiveMagicEffect

Race Property HorseRace Auto

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
   if akTarget.GetRace() == HorseRace

Then you attach the script to a MagicEffect, open the Script Properties and Auto-Fill them.


The real issue is that horses do not automatically equip stuff in their inventory, but they have an Outfit. Like how followers won't equip armor the player gives them when they're not following. Removing the outfit just makes them naked.

Edited by Ceruulean
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Can't you do something like this?:

Scriptname NAME_of_Your_Script extends ActiveMagicEffect

Race Property HorseRace Auto

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
   if akTarget.GetRace() == HorseRace

Then you attach the script to a MagicEffect, open the Script Properties and Auto-Fill them.


The real issue is that horses do not automatically equip stuff in their inventory, but they have an Outfit. Like how followers won't equip armor the player gives them when they're not following. Removing the outfit just makes them naked.


*Stares at strange unknown language* I have no idea? This is kind why I made this topic, because I do not know scripting in Skyrim.


Really I did not know that (I mean for horses I know it about followers), is that why no one has made equipable dog armor? I know when I removed the horses Outfit from then in the CK, and then put items on them in their inventory it works in the CK and in game.


Edited by nivea
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Eh, I haven't actually tested but based on people's reports from the comments section of the Horse Inventory mod I assume the same problems with follower outfits would affect horses. People and horses are both actors, so they follow the same basic system, I think.


In CK use the papyrus script manager to make a new script. Name it whatever you want, make sure it extends "ActiveMagicEffect" since this script is for a spell. Copy paste my whole code into your script. The first line may be unnecessary because that just states the name of the script, which should already be present in a newly-made script. Save the script, right click it in the Manager and click "Compile"


Then you open up your custom "Open Horse Inventory" MagicEffect, add a script to it, open the Script Properties and Auto-Fill them.

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First, are you willing to use SKSE functions or do you want to stick with standard game features?


Second, do you want to use a spell, a power, a hook into the normal activation, or use a completely separate inventory activation key?


If you want the spell or power, Ceruulean's code is what you need. Just create a new magic effect in the CK, then choose the scripted effect archetype and add the script. You'll need to pick your own name for the script and compile it. Then make sure the CK links up the HorseRace property. Finish by creating the spell or power and assigning the new magic effect. Then you'll need to decide how you want to give the spell/power to the player, but you can give it to yourself using the console for testing.


If you want to hook into activation (like the method used by Horse Inventory) then you'll need to set up a scripted perk. If you want some special activation key (using SKSE functions) that would get set up through a script alias on the player. Those two methods aren't really any harder than getting the spell method working, but the scripts will be slightly different.



Third, Horse inventories reset because most horses are just temporary references and get affected by cell resets. (In some cases the horse itself might even get removed and recreated as a different horse.) You can set up a quest with a set of aliases and force a horse that's carrying equipment into one of them. That should keep the horse from resetting. (You just have to decide how many horses you think a player should reasonably be able to safely use for storage.)


Finally, a dynamic outfit isn't that hard to make either. You just need an outfit, a leveled item list, and a script to add items to (and remove them from) the leveled list. That's easier with SKSE, but possible even with just the game's original functions.


I can put together an "access horse inventory and let it wear custom outfits" demo mod for you, but let me know if you're wanting to avoid SKSE and just how you want the player to access the horse inventory.

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I always use SKSE (pretty much any of thier SE for all games), so I have no issues personally with anyone using that in the mod at all. I think it is a must have.


I would personally prefer a activation key BUT I know people would want to be able to configure it to whatever they wanted, so depending on that a spell or power would work if a key can not be mapped. I dont really have a preference over power or spell. Truthfully since its someone else doing the work I think whatever is easier but still works is fine.


Horse inventories, ah that does make sense then. I was hoping you could do this for any horses (follower for CH ect) but since its like that I doubt it would be possible. Really anything over 4 horses for a player would be overkill.


If you would do that I would be very grateful, this is what is keeping me from really digging into making my mod there is no point if I can not access their inventory.

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You can just post a disclaimer, saying that horses not owner by the player can reset, or you can limit horse outfits to only player-owned horses. The first option gives the mod user responsibility, while the second restricts the user but prevents some frustration. Key mapping probably requires SKSE, and users will want an MCM menu too.


You could probably do something where if the player holds the "E" button over the horse, the horse inventory pops up. Simply pressing "E" will ride the horse as normal. I know this mod Animations does something with a perk. Bascially, it blocks the player from actually activating an object, and a script plays the animations first, then activates the object for you. This can be adjusted for horses so that activation is blocked and the script detects how long the button was held. If it was for less than, say, a second, the script activates the horse as normal. Longer than a second, and the script opens the inventory instead.

Edited by Ceruulean
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OK, I'll get to work. :)


It might take me a little while because I'm going to download Convenient Horses to see just what it does to the horses. I've never been even the slightest bit interested in horses since a mage on a horse is just a sabercat snack.

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You can just post a disclaimer, saying that horses not owner by the player can reset, or you can limit horse outfits to only player-owned horses. The first option gives the mod user responsibility, while the second restricts the user but prevents some frustration. Key mapping probably requires SKSE, and users will want an MCM menu too.


You could probably do something where if the player holds the "E" button over the horse, the horse inventory pops up. Simply pressing "E" will ride the horse as normal. I know this mod Animations does something with a perk. Bascially, it blocks the player from actually activating an object, and a script plays the animations first, then activates the object for you. This can be adjusted for horses so that activation is blocked and the script detects how long the button was held. If it was for less than, say, a second, the script activates the horse as normal. Longer than a second, and the script opens the inventory instead.


I would just post a disclaimer (I will do so anyways), but people always like to be upset anyways too lol.

The E button would be a good idea, but for some reason I think it would conflict like crazy with CH since the Horse Inventory mod has that issue?


cdcooley: Yeah that is pretty true about mages, but I love horses so it overrides that issue for me LOL. I have bought games in the past just because they have good horses.

No rush needed I am not ready to release my work yet since I did not know if it would ever be possible I didnt put to much work into it yet.

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