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Eye Candy Female Body Issue


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I've been trying to install Hellknight's eye candy for a while and I can't get it to work. I want to install the underwear version of the fighter extra buff edition. For some reason, whenever I install it, OMOD of manually, it shows up as the nude version with some weird purple thing wrapping around wear the underwear should be (nothing around the bra area). Can anybody help with this issue?
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The textures were installed. I just tried again, making sure the textures were in, and the exact same thing happened. This also doesn't explain why the OMOD version won't work...


I also just tried doing the normal fighter version instead of extra buff edition, and that work just fine, so there must be something wrong with just the EBE. I would still like any help that anyone could provide, because I would prefer the EBE.

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The textures were installed. I just tried again, making sure the textures were in, and the exact same thing happened. This also doesn't explain why the OMOD version won't work...


I also just tried doing the normal fighter version instead of extra buff edition, and that work just fine, so there must be something wrong with just the EBE. I would still like any help that anyone could provide, because I would prefer the EBE.


Try using the "BSA Un-Corrupt" feature on OBMM under "Utilities". Uncorrupt texture and mesh BSA's. See what happens.

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