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i have made a mod that i believe should make the sun blocking last forever (9999 Days). i made this due to a lot of requests. please just shoot the sun with a bloodcursed arrow (from auriels bow), then wait 5 days and see if it it still there.


Note: this requires A Completed DawnGuard Game, and Auriel's bow with BloodCursed Arrows.


Contact Me if intrested, Will only take a min.


Thanks In Advance


[email protected]

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Is that your real email adress? Do you want to appear on every single spam list?


That being said I only have a complete Dawnguard on my Requiem character. Sadly that'd probably make too many changes to be considered "clean testing environment".

Edited by notmyhome
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first of all, thats my Modders Email, second its has anti spam filters that i made personally that block all non-mainstream email providers.


i dont really need a "clean testing environment" as the mod is a very small change and not a lot of people will have clean saves that look at this and have completed dawnguard. so if you want to i would very like it just send me a private msg and i will send you the file.

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