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So... all of the darkspawn in the game, vaguely resemble what their broodmothers looked like before they became broodmothers. Except for ogres... I think... I hope?


Genlocks are exactly as small and stocky as a dwarf, because their broodmothers were once dwarves. Hurlocks are tall like humans, with very human-like frames, because their broodmothers were once human. Shrieks have thin, lanky figures like elves, because their broodmothers used to be elven women.


But... ogres are different. Since ogres are born of broodmothers that were once qunari women, does that mean qunari women are 15 feet tall with extremely "thick" bodies and massive horns? What the heck? Lol.


Also, while I'm on the subject I'll bring up another thing I have been wondering about. Why are there Genlock emissaries (the darkspawn equivalent of a mage), when dwarves are completely incapable of magic?

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A dwarf changes when turned into darkspawn or becomes a grey warden. I can not discuss more because it goes more into spoliers.

They start to have dreams, which dwarfs can not do because they are not connected to the fade. Oghren has such dreams in Origins, when you do the dark ritual and shouts about the baby. There is something in the blood that causes dwarves to connect to the fade, hence why genlock have magic and can hear the old gods

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I think that this is one of those cases where bioware sacrificed their intent to game management. For instance, Golems are HUGE creatures all throughout the game, Shale notsomuch, and that was decided to make it easier for Shale to fit through doors. On the same line, the Quanari are described over and over as Giants, but in game barely top a human character by a head, probably again for the same reason, make it too large and you either have to have a bendtwistturn, to get those large characters through doorways, clip their head through the top, or shrink them down a bit. As for the broodmothers, they don't really look anything like what they started as, since the one you run into first is supposed to be one of the small ones, and she topped off at over Sten's height, it can all be chalked up to the change adds a few pounds.
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On the same line, the Quanari are described over and over as Giants, but in game barely top a human character by a head, probably again for the same reason, make it too large and you either have to have a bendtwistturn, to get those large characters through doorways, clip their head through the top, or shrink them down a bit.


Maybe Qunari have long lifespans and the ones we've seen thus far, Sten included, are still young for their race and haven't finished growing? :whistling:

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