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Broken Steel Transition Bug


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I'm experiencing a bug with broken steel.

When i tell fawkes to enter the purifier(note: i can actually make him enter the purifier, which i take for meaning that at least the DLC is loading), the end movie plays, but instead of "Two weeks later", and waking up in the citadel, i just return to the rotunda, standing where i stood before, unable to move. Fawkes and sentinel lyons are playing idle animations, and i can use EnablePlayerControls to get moving, but i cant exit the rotunda, or do anything.


i've tried disabling all my mods, but the issue persists.


I am running FOSE, though.

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use this :) this is all in the how to install mods for fallout 3 its pinned in Fallout 3 Technical Support


custom race characters do not work with broken steel turn them back into a normal char with console commands




you can change it back after you start broken steel


or just use this Custom Race Endings Broken Steel OverRide


Click here >>>>>> http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=6240


also i hear that Umpa Animations stops Broken steel from working as well.......


if you know you have BS installed right , go through your mods by turning them off 1 by 1 and try to work out what mod is stopping BS from working good luck.... if you do find out what mod is doing it post back on here and let us know


alot of people did not do this so broken steel dose not run too :)



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I was thinking of using the procedure in that thread, but i dont want to uninstall Fallout 3, lose all my saves, work my way through the game, only to find out the issue is still there.


Maybe if i cant get it working still, i will try that, but right now its a last resort.


EDIT: W00T! I tried becoming a normal human(i was playing as a ghoul), and it frakking WORKED!



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