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Need help creating a Schematic


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I'm tring to create a Schematic for my new Whiskey hand flamer and I'm having some problems.


I've not been able to find any tutorials on how to do this, so I started off by finding an existing one in the GECK namely the DartGun and decided to just edit it to create a new seires of entries, in the same way I would creat a new weapon.


Putting "Schematic" into the filter came up with these files







the 1st is the actual Schematic item

the 2nd is the Script for Picking up the Schematic, ie which version you get depanding on howmany you already posses

the next 3 are the different versions of the schematic, seem to just be the item as it's shown in the Notes section of the pipboy.


This is as far as I got because as I began editing the script I've hit an issue.


the script list this and increaseing it with the upgraded Schematics however I cannot save my WhiskeyFlamer version as this object does not exist.

When I found countDartgunBonus in the GECK it's listed as a "GLOB" form and I just get an error message when I try to open it.

TESDialog trying to use dialog box template for unknown type "GLOB".


Context: DEFAULT

"Yes to all" will disable all warnings for this content.

no matter which responce I choose nothing happens, I just cannot open this "GLOB" or edit it in any way.

So I cannot make a new one so I cannot get the script working or get any thurver in making a Schematic to make a weapon.


Help, please, someone? :confused:

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Where is it?


a search of Schematic on fallout3nexus just gives me a few new schmatic weapon mods, a cople of get all/easy location schematic mods and things like Craft, which I plan on using but include no info on how to make a schematic just how to make your existing schematic work with craft.


a search of the forum gives this


again no help on how to make a schematic


a non-tread title search for schematic pulls up so many irrelvent threads to what I'm after that the only one close to "how to make a schematic" I can find is this thread.

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Writing such tutorial is like sweep the streets - its time consuming and boring (and nobody need it). So i didnt see any.

You can try this mod http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=4447 (i think its kinda like GTS or CALIBR for schematic).


P.S. Some links to CRAFT tutorials here http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showtopic=110772

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@Dyadya_Fedor, yes I'm planning on making it Craft compatible however that just tells you how to convert your existing working Schematic into a Craft compatible one.

Although frostilicus hit the exact same issue as I did, rereading through the Craft tutorial again + the additional objects frostilicus mentioned in his post I think I can sort it out.


@Nadin, thanks that was the CRAFT tutorial I looked at before, it does specifically mention

This tutorial assumes you already have the schematic notes, weapons, and script prepared.
So I didn't read it fully, although rereading it I think I can get this working.
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