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CPU and GPU being Overloaded by Fallout 3


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I installed Fallout 3 and ran it and noticed it was overloading my CPU so I installed the GPU hack(ENB DLL) took off the Vsync and now My gpu is being Slammed to 99% usage at all times except menus. THIS IS BAD! 70C

Is there anyone who knows whats going on here?

My current solution is plug in my 2nd windows hard drive.. install it on there with no updated drivers and such and see if its either 1. A virus or 2. a bad Driver or 3. A Windows issue

My setup: 4770k on a Maximus VI runing windows 8.1 and a GTX 760.


Edited by gtagod2003
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already tried. It does not help. I turnd off AA and its down to 95% .

-Update 1

SO I installed windows 8.1 on another HD and started over not updating more than a very few things. On my Main HD my Graphics card runs at 40% idle.. weird i noticed this recently too. On my new Install it runs at 14%. Hmmmmm

SO right then i knew something major was different.

I installed fallout and to my surprise. the game without any patches runs at 30-60% GPU usage. very strange.

Im running driver 335 for My 760 on my new install

And on my old im on 340.52 This is what i am guessing is the main issue.

if only i could see what was eating at my GPU

Edited by gtagod2003
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