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Fallout 2 Mods for Fallout New Vegas?


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I have recently installed the "A Familiar Friend" mod for Fallout: New Vegas which adds the Pip-boy 2500 from Fallout 2, and I got myself thinking: "Is there any more Fallout 2 mods for Fallout New Vegas?", fortunately, I couldn't search for any more, so if someone can list me ones that they could possibly find, I would be appreciated.

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I think I seen a mod a while ago that played Fallout 2 ambient background sounds/music when you turned off your pipboy radio. but when you turn the radio back on the background sounds/music shut off. Now I'm not sure if it was for Fallout 3 or for Fallout New Vegas. I'll go through my favorite list and see if I can find it because I'm sure I added it to my favorites list. Also I requested a Fallout 2 mod myself, a screensaver mod like the one on the old pipboy 2000 from Fallout 2 but it hasn't seen to much interest though.

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This guy did some of the weapons: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/users/2580563/?
as did this guy http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/users/977466/?
there is also classic super mutants: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/35963/?
and the ambient background sounds as mentioned: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/35963/?

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