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Cybernetically Enhanced RadRoachs


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Hello. :thumbsup:


I was thinking could it be possible to modify the Death Claw controller head peice named "enclaveaddon" to be it without the eyepieces just the top dome piece with the wires and seperate the bolts?. (optional) :biggrin:


Because I'm thinking of creating a quest or mission that contains enclave controlled RadRoachs, I wanted the Raddys to look more... Cyberneticle (if that's a word :sweat:).


I've tried but I can't do it, granted it is a simple task but I just can't get the grips of 3D moddeling, I've added a pic that I've done quickly in NifSkope but it just doesn't look right.


Any way hopefully someone is kind enough to do this request.


Yours sincerely.


A.K.A FallingShells.



P.s who doesn't want a cyberneticly enhanced RadRoach, I mean like c'mon :tongue:

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