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Missing Textures?

Bolgo The Madd

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I get that you want to save some power by not texturing every side of a beam of wood.

But NONE of the support beams fo mining have a textured side for the grain showing, the side that it was cut on.


Is this just in the CS?

Will there be something in game?

Or are all wooden support beams empty on the inside...


You understand what I'm saying, right?


Also -


If someone could tell me a quick way to set up a preview or a test of a new interrior.

Something I can walk around in - IN GAME...


I'd really appreciate it.


I could stop asking questions like this.



glut glut


Bolgo The Madd

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Go down to the play testing part. Thats if u do not want to make a door to the outside world and go through normally

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