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Assassins Creed 2 Armor


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Hey, I was wondering if somebody who had the skills or time could take up a little request for me. I'd like to the black Assassin's Outfit in this mod from Oblivion to be ported to Fallout 3, if possible.


Link: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=28761


If you are willing to take up the request, please leave a reply or PM me. Thanks! :turned:

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Using the search engine I've found a couple of Fallout-like versions of an assassin's robe you could find interesting, here you have them just in case you didn't know they existed: Hi-Res Assassin's Robe and Assassin's Gear (there's also Assassinenrobe but, basing on its looks and size, it's very likely to be the same file as the Robe in Low-Res). It's pretty obvious they don't look exactly like your request, but they're definitely worth taking a look. I hope you find them useful.
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@ Mizuno: Yes, I actually have that armor already, but thank you very much! :thumbsup:


@Quetzlsacatanango (Geez, such a long name.) : The black assassin is one variation of the file where the armor is like Ezio's master assassin outfit. It can be found in the downloads section of the link I provided. As for the author's permission, I'll send him a PM right now. (Also, forgot to mention, I'm looking for a Male version.)

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The author replied back today and said that porting the armor would be fine as long as it wasn't part of any big/adult/nude mods.


As said by theRoadStroker:


" Well if you only going to use the armor your own personal use, then you don't need my permission , you only need it if you're planning on releasing it publicly.


However you have my permission to port this armor into Fallout3 , only if it's not part of any bigger mods in Fallout3 and/or any nudity/adult mods. "


So, would anyone be willing to port this?


Note: If you want this to be released to not just me, but other people at the Nexus as well, you might want to send theRoadStroker a PM. Please do not release it publicly without his consent, or without crediting him for making the amazing armor in the first place.

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