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High Altitude Worldspace (Think Tibet)


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Sup Nexus

I love the terrain in this game, but the Throat of The World just doesn't feel "high altitude" enough. The tree line stops halfway up the mountain, then you're in a glaciated area. Generally, most trees can't grow above 13,500 feet above sea level, so I'm under the impression the Throat only goes up to about 15,000 or 16,000 feet.


I think it would be cool if there was a worldspace depicting the Jeralls straddling the Skyrim-Cyrodiil border, and would include some high altitude deserts, sand dunes, glacial deposits, etc. And it would probably have a clear, dry continental climate, a bit like the Tibetan Plateau. Something like pic related, with truly massive mountains.


Of course there would be some enemies, dungeons, NPCs etc to spice the area up, but I think it would be a relatively easy way to add some lore-friendly new lands into the game without the arduous task of recreating an entire province. I'd certainly be willing to help develop this with somebody whose skilled with LODs/Oscape


Bonus idea: Since the Blades traveled through this area historically, there could be some kind of Tibetan-inspired Blades temple



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