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Problem with mod working


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Hello everyone,


I downloaded NamethatHorse mod ,installed properly with OBMM and the mod dont works - when i putted "n" when facing a horse the name dont changed!!


I have obse 0017 to , please help.


Not long time ago the plugin worked , i dont know why it isnt now.


I placed the esp and the pluggy files into the data folder.


Have anyone a clue what is going on?

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A 'generic horse' will be respawned when the cell resets an lose its name, so they cannot be named. The horse must be a persistant reference for this reason.


From the read me: A horse being named must meet these criteria: It must be owner by the player, the player faction, or nobody; It must be a persistent reference; You must not be riding a horse while attempting to name either it or another horse.


Also, the pluggy probably belongs in the data\OBSE\Plugins folder, as thst is where other pluggy files go

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A 'generic horse' will be respawned when the cell resets an lose its name, so they cannot be named. The horse must be a persistant reference for this reason.


From the read me: A horse being named must meet these criteria: It must be owner by the player, the player faction, or nobody; It must be a persistent reference; You must not be riding a horse while attempting to name either it or another horse.


Also, the pluggy probably belongs in the data\OBSE\Plugins folder, as thst is where other pluggy files go


Thanks but now it works prperly, i disabled it ,save the game ,exit ,enable and it works!!!!


Credits to one Polish guy - thanks Amon!!

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