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Turning AntAgonizer in to the Black Widow


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Hello there.


I have a small request on a modification on the AntAgonizer's suit. I would be very appreciative if someone could undertake the adjustment as I'm rather ignorant on how to manage it myself and I tend to leave things like this in to the hands of more knowledgeable gamers.


The modifications are as follows:


1) Texture Modification

I wish to have the suit's colour changed to black, dark grey and red rather than brown, cream and dark brown. The intention is to give it the appearance of the Black widow spider rather than that of a giant Fire Ant; in this regard the symbol on the breastplate is to be changed so that it is an Hourglass rather than an Ant.


2) Stats Modification

I rather like the costume, however the costume itself is relatively weak (with only a DR to that of the lower end of armours), and even then it can't be repaired outside of paying for a repair. What I would like in this regard is several factors; the DR to be increased to that better armours, without it become powered armour; maybe something in line with the Chinese Stealth Suit (about 25 or so). Removal of the -1 Charisma, if possible and I would love for it to be able to be repaired by finding something in the waists that resemble it (such in the way of Metal Armour).


3) Model Modification

This is the big one; I'd like the model to be changed. I have posted a picture below to show the sort of thing that I would want with the modified costume but to put it in text what I would really appreciate if the model could become…curvier. This is for the female model but it’s to almost represent the figure of a Black widow in comparison to an ant (ants being long and thing while Widows being stockier and broader).


Generally it would be great if the model could be broadened; much thicker thighs and wider hips and rear, with some extra bulk added to the waist, arms and chest giving the wearer a much plumper look. The only other thing that I would like is the removal of the Belt. I think the costume would look a little better without a belt for several reasons; one of which is it offers a much smoother look, really helping out with the curves rather than breaking it up with a belt. The other is that the Blackwidow is a broader model, a thin belt just looks uncomfortable.


While I would love all three sections of the modification, I’m unsure how much work all of this would take so I can only ask. It would be quite nice to see a mod that encompassed a broader figure rather than a slimmer one.


Here is the attached picture of the preferred outcome of the suit; please forgive the rather rushed feel to it but I think it’s quite accurate to what I would like.




I hope someone undertakes this challenge, or part of it. Thanks for your time.


Hope you all have a good day, take care!

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So by curvier, do you mean this?




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Yes, exactly! That's what I had in mind, though I will admit that the sketch is a bit thicker than the edited model (then again the sketch is stylised a tad).


But yes, that's perfect! Thank-you. I can't wait to see the completed costume. ^_^

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Ah, fair enough. What you've done so far has been fantastic all the same!


Considering the item, the best place would probably be somewhere around Canterbury commons (In the Diner or the AntAgonizer's lair), if that's possible.


I can't wait to see what this looks like in game! Thanks again.

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That's great! I tried it out before I had to run for work. It works great; I've come across no problems so far, no mesh issues and it looks fantastic! Thank-you!


If you'd be up for it, I have a few more costume ideas for those characters of a less mainstream figure. You've done great, especially if this is your first mod, and I'd love to grab you for a few more pieces of armour and costume!


Thanks again!

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